Page 7 - HCG Newsletter Sept/October 2018
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HAYWOOD COUNTY CONNECTION                                                                                                  PAGE 7

                                        News from the Public Library

               •  The Waynesville Library Book Club October 1 at 5:30p.m. to discuss books that are

                   chosen by each member (taking turns) and provided by the library! If you are interested

                   in joining, contact Kathy at (828) 356-2507 or

               •  Job Help October 5 beginning at 1:15pm at both the Canton and Waynesville Libraries.

                   Haywood County NCWorks Career Center staff will be on hand in the computer area to

                   assist library patrons with activities such as job search, resume preparation, and basic

                   computer skills. For more information, call (828) 456-6061.

               •  Theme Team Book Club October 5 at 2:00pm at Waynesville. A theme is chosen and

                   members can read and review any book of their choosing. This club meets quarterly. For

                   more information or to join contact Kathy at (828) 356-2507 or

               •  Construction Zone! Friday, October 5 and Friday, October 19 at 4p.m. at the Canton

                   Library. The library will supply the LEGO® building blocks, kids supply the imagination! For

                   children ages 6-12. For more information, call (828) 648-2924.

               •  The Second Tuesday Movie Club Tuesday, October 9 at 2 p.m. at the Waynesville Library.

                   Popcorn, water and movie licensing fees are generously provided by the Friends of the

                   Library. For more information, contact Kathy at (828) 356-2507 or

               •  Beginners Chess Club Friday, October 12 and Friday, October 26 at 4p.m. at the Canton

                   Library. Join champion chess player Bruce Goodwin to practice your chess skills.  Ages 8-

                   108 welcome to attend. For more information, call (828) 648-2924.

               •  Homeschool Book Club  Monday October 15 at 2pm at the Canton Library. This is for

                   ages 8-12. Each month, participants read a book from a certain genre and have a

                   discussion with activities.

               •  Preparing Medicinal Herbs for Healing Thursday October 18 at 2:00pm at the Waynesville

                   Library. Learn how to make poultices, tinctures and decoctions from medicinal herbs
                     with Michelle Sanderbeck, ND. Registration is required. Contact Kathy at (828) 356-2507


               •  DIY@ The Library: Peppermint Soy Candles Thursday, October 18 at 5:30pm. Fun to make
                   and to give as gifts! All materials are provided. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Contact Kathy

                   at (828) 356-2507 or

               •  Library/Senior Resource Center Book Club Wednesday, October 17 at 2p.m. at the

                   Senior Resource Center. Books are available at the SRC on Elmwood Road. This group
                     alternates fiction and nonfiction books. Call Kathy if you have any questions: (828) 356-

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