Page 8 - HCG Newsletter Sept/October 2018
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More News from the Public Library
• Library Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, October 17 at 4:3p.m. at the
Waynesville Library. Board meetings are open to the public.
• Canton Library Book Club Thursday, October 18 at 3:30pm at the Canton Library.
Enjoy lively discussions and refreshments. Please call 828-648-2924 for information.
New members are always welcome.
• Pumpkin Painting Party Monday October 22 at 2:00pm at the Waynesville Library.
Bring your own pumpkin (of any size) and go wild with decorations and adornments.
All materials except for the pumpkin will be provided. Come and go as you please,
anytime between 2p and 6p. If you would like to enter your pumpkin in a contest to
win prizes, just leave it at the library. Judging will happen all week, winners
determined on Friday October 26th. Adults only please. Registration is required.
Refreshments will be provided.
• Cookin’ the Books Wednesday, October 24 at 12:00pm at the Waynesville Library.
This cookbook club reviews cookbooks and eats lunch together. To get on the
waiting list for this very popular program, call Kathy at 828-356-2507.
• Book-o-Ween on Wednesday, October 31, 2018, from 9:00 – 6:00 at the Canton
Library. Visit us dressed as your favorite story character and receive a treat!
• Mother Goose Storytime Every Tuesday at 11a.m. at the Waynesville Library. Mother
Goose is a special storytime for babies and toddlers (5 months to 2 years old) and
their parents/caregivers. Work on building communication and early literacy skills
while having fun with rhymes, songs, stories, finger plays, and much more.
• Family Storytime Every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at Canton Library and every
Wednesday at 11a.m. at the Waynesvill e Library. This is a storytime for children of all
ages and their caregivers and includes stories, music, rhymes and an age
appropriate craft.
• For those who prefer a more active story hour, we offer Rompin’ Stompin Storytime at
the Canton Library at 10:30 a.m. every Thursday and Movers and Shakers at the
Waynesville Library every Thursday at 11 a.m. These storytimes are full of music and
movement, and include activities with shaker eggs, beanbags and even a