Page 76 - تذكارات سياحية
P. 76
Example: life-sized sculptures of people and animals.
54- Inscribe: to write words in a book or carve them on an
Example: the wall of the museum was inscribed with
the names of the dead from the Great War.
55- Inscription: words that are written or cut in something.
Example: the inscriptions were worn away.
56- Etching: a picture produced by printing from a metal plate
which has been etched with acid.
Example: copper etchings.
57- Etcher: a person who makes etchings.
58- Decorate: to add something to an object or place,
especially in order to make it more attractive.
Example: artisans use shells to decorate boxes, trays,
mirrors or even pots.
59- Decoration: making something look more attractive by
putting things on it or around it, or something that you use to
do this.
Example: a decoration of plants and flowers.
60- Raw material: the basic material from which a product is
61- Clay: a thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard
when dry or baked, used for making bricks and containers.
62- Mud: soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth
and water.
63- Mud brick: a brick made from baked mud.