Page 75 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 75

English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh


Match the sentences on the left with a suitable reply on the


HE SAID:                 SHE REPLIED:

1. Where shall we stay?  A. Really? I prefer to go
                         somewhere a bit quieter,
                         off the beaten track.

2. Can you recommend a B. Wow! I didn't realize

good guest house in this you were such a

area?                    globetrotter!

3. Last year I went to C. Poor you! You spent a

Australia, Canada, Brazil, whole day on the road.

Argentina and China.

4. How are we going to D. Let's stop at the first

get home? We haven't hotel we find.

got enough money for a


5. Last year, we went to E. I would hate to live out

one of those resorts of a suitcase like that

where everything - food

and drink - is free.

6. You don't have much F. Why don't we thumb a

luggage with you.        lift?

7. On my first visit to G. It sounds great. I've
Indonesia, I found never been on an all-
everything so different inclusive holiday.
from England.
8. We left London at 7 H. Yes, there's a nice B &
o'clock in the morning B around the corner.
and didn't arrive in
Inverness until 8 in the
9. I love going to busy, I. I know. I prefer to travel
lively resorts for my light.

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