Page 78 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 78
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
(transitive) The object of this phrasal verb (the piece of clothing)
can go in the middle or at the end of the phrasal verb (see the
first two examples)
He took his hat off.
He took off his hat.
Remember to take your shoes off before entering the house.
To celebrate, the player took his shirt off and whirled it over his
It was hot outside so I took off my coat.
1. Take off = to leave a place (quickly) in order to go somewhere else
(intransitive – informal) This action is usually done in a hurry
and often without the person saying where they are going.
Sorry, but I have to take off now since my partner is waiting for me
at the restaurant.
The burglars took off before the police arrived.
You won’t find Fred here, he has already taken off.
She saw me coming and took off in the other direction.
There is a similar meaning of leaving/departing a place, though
not necessarily in a hurry. You can either leave a place
permanently or for an extended period of time. It can be used
when you set out on a journey.
They wanted to live in a warmer climate so they took off for Spain.