Page 82 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 82

English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

The English phrasal verb TAKE IN has the following meanings:

1. Take in = to view your surroundings and absorb it
(transitive) To spend time looking at something, commonly
scenery or surroundings. Synonyms include to
observe and digest.

 When I am in a new city, I like to sit in a café and take it all in. Yes, I
   obverse the local people and what they are doing.

 You could see his eyes quickly moving from side to side as he took
   in as much as he could of his surroundings.

 I want to sit here a minute and take in the view.

2. Take in = to give shelter

(transitive) To give a person or an animal shelter. When you
allow someone to stay in your home, often when they have no
other place to go. Synonyms are house and board, to
accommodate someone.
 I took in a stray dog last week.

   (It was a street dog and I decided to take care of it at our house)
 New Zealand has taken in hundreds of refugees this year.

   (The refugees had nowhere else to go)
 Can you take in any international students when they visit us next


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