Page 84 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 84

English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

5. Take in = to understand and absorb information

(transitive) To understand and absorb the information that you
see or read. To pay attention to something so you understand
 There was so much information that it was hard to take it all in.
 I had been staring at the page for five minutes but

   hadn’t taken anything in.
 I could hardly take in everything she said.
 That surprising news is a lot to take in right now.

        TAKE OVER – phrasal verb – meanings and examples
The English phrasal verb TAKE OVER has the following meanings:

1. Take over = to begin control

(transitive) When someone begins to have control of something
and is in charge of responsibilities, people, or duties. To begin
to do something that someone else was doing.

 The leader of my group left, so I decided to take over.
 I have decided to take over the business now that my father has

 You look sick, you should go home. Don’t worry, I’ll take over for you.
 The company was taken over by an experienced businessman.

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