Page 80 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 80
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
The rescue helicopter took the crew off the sinking ship.
The detective has been taken off the case.
7. Take (something) off = to remove something from a place or person
(transitive) This is to remove something from a place or the
possession of a person.
Quick! Take the knife off that little boy.
Can you please take your feet off the coffee table?
The last time I looked, your name had been taken off the list.
8. Take (an amount) off = to reduce the price of something
(transitive) This is used when an item is discounted or when a
price or cost of payment is reduced
The store has taken twenty percent off all of their products during the
If you pay in cash, we will take an additional ten dollars off the
original price.
9. Take (time) off = to not do something over a period of time
(transitive) Used when referring to not going to work (or not
doing a responsibility) for a period of time, usually for