Page 83 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 83
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
(I am asking if you can allow any students to stay at their house)
3. Take in = to deceive someone
(transitive) To make someone believe something that is not
true. The person will usually try to gain your trust in order to
deceive you.
Those con artists took in a lot of people.
(Did you know con artist is a short way of saying confidence artist …
they try to win your confidence or trust in order to deceive you)
He took me in completely with his sad story.
(Yes, he deceived me with his fake story.)
Don’t be taken in by his charm. He isn’t a nice person.
(Yes, he appears to be nice though in reality he isn’t.)
Many people were taken in by the false promises made by the
politicians during their electoral campaigns.
4. Take in = to reduce the size of a garment
(transitive) To reduce the size of a piece of clothing so that it fits
better. To make a garment (which is a piece of clothing)
narrower, tighter or shorter.
After her diet, her dress needed to be taken in.
These pants are a little loose, I think I might need to take them in.
The wedding dress had to be taken in around the waist to make it
look perfect.