Page 47 - Rappelling
P. 47
sling or rope around the anchor is redundant. For one single tree or thread is nonredundant). Always
example, when rigging a rappel anchor around a use caution and sound judgment when using non-
massive tree, use two separate slings with two rappel redundant natural anchors.
rings to gain redundancy in your anchor system, at
least in the rigging. When rigging with a cordelette, Rappel Rings and Quick Links
loop two strands of the cordelette around the tree When rigging rappel anchors for a retrievable
(or through a thread), then tie a figure eight loop rope, looping the rope through a sling will work,
for a two-loop master point, and you have redun- but when the rope is pulled down, friction from
dancy in your anchor rigging (although technically, the rope being pulled over the sling will generate
Rap ring comparison. Top, left to right: FIXE welded stainless steel, rated at 50 kN (11,240 lbs.); FIXE
welded plated carbon steel, rated at 35 kN (7,868 lbs.). Bottom, left to right: Omega Pacific aircraft
grade forged aluminum alloy ring, rated at 20 kN (4,496 lbs.); SMC lightweight aluminum ring, rated
at 14 kN (3,147 lbs.); Ushba titanium ring, rated at 30 kN (6,744 lbs.).
Rappelling_i-174_3pp_CS55le.indd 36 7/24/13 10:15 AM