Page 48 - Rappelling
P. 48
heat, which can scorch and damage the sling (and and Ushba and come in aluminum, steel, stainless
the sheath of your rope). Metal rings are com- steel, and titanium. When you buy rappel rings,
monly used to reduce the friction and allow for a make sure that they’re one of these name brands
smoother pull-down. At popular climbing and rap- (or a CE-certified brand) and made specifically for
pelling sites, natural anchors (trees and rock struc- rappelling, and not some cheap hardware store ring
tures) are rigged for multiple users, typically with made for hanging potted plants.
either rappel rings (called rap rings) or quick links. Quick links are small oval-shaped screw links
Rap rings manufactured specifically for rappelling made from aluminum, steel, and stainless steel.
are currently sold by Omega Pacific, FIXE, SMC, Designed as connectors for lifting equipment, they
SMC rap rings are light (11 grams) and strong
(14 kN, 3,147 lbs.), a good choice for carrying
CE-certified quick links (left to right): Camp on long multipitch climbs or canyoneering
stainless steel 8mm (rated at 50 kN MBS, 11,240 adventures where weight is a factor and the
lbs.); Petzl steel Maillon Rapide (WLL 900 kg, descent will entail multiple rappels. They are
1,984 lbs.); Petzl stainless steel Maillon Rapide not a good choice for high-use fixed anchors, as
(SWL 1,400 kg, 3,086 lbs.). aluminum wears quickly.
Rappel Anchors 37
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