Page 2 - The future school ecosystem
P. 2

due to the corroborative nature of their environment. In the same manner that
                                the spinning loom was considered an enemy of the proletariat during the

                                industrial revolution a century ago, the workers came to accept that what had
                                been good to them for centuries was not necessarily the best nor was it meant
                                to last forever.

                                That generation learnt it the hard way and had to adapt to new machinery.
                                Although careers were sacrificed, eventually the new method was accepted.

                                The current generation must realize that what was good for them is not
                                necessarily the best for the future.
                                Careers and professions will be sacrificed to accommodate the future school.

                                The use of robotic                                  instructors is a reality that
                                will become a part                                  of everyday classroom

                                activity, replacing                                 traditional educators. This
                                calls for a re-                                     alignment of the career
                                paths of future                                     learners to be able to

                                perform in harmony                                  with the machines.
                                The new imagined     Figure 2  The 18th century spinning   future school will not
                                                     loom caused career losses.
                                group learners                                      according to their age

                                groups, in-fact the future school will not group learners according to anything. It
                                is expected that in the future schools will allow learners to direct their own
                                learning at their own pace. This is a phenomenon of open learning that is best

                                explained as a model that:
                                     Embraces learning as social construction, focusses on building

                                     interactions between learners and the online environment, and sets up
                                     the opportunity for collaboration and co-construction of knowledge. This
                                     moves beyond conventional approaches where learning is often an

                                     individual and entirely corrective endeavor. (Open Learning 2018)
                                Groupings among the learners will emerge due to the desires of career paths

                                that they wish to take. The current trend of forcing learners to consume the
                                same kind of education because they are of a particular age group is
                                redundant. Learners have consistently demonstrated that they have diverse

                                needs and different talents which contradict the assumption of uniformity. The
                                future school must cater for this difference and allow freedom among learners
                                to explore their strengths.

               Techno savvy learner centered imagined future learning ecosystems
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