Page 4 - The future school ecosystem
P. 4

As social players of the future, the students must be equipped for the ever

                              changing demands of society.
                                      ‘The world is in a constant state of flux. Automation is changing the jobs
                                     market. It is predicted that 375 million workers will need to change their

                                     occupation by 2030.1 Students need to learn to be ready for new jobs but
                                     also to be flexible as the employment landscape continues to

                                     change.(Mckinsey 2017)

                   Curriculum for the future

                   The future school will not rely on a rigid curriculum. Designers of the future curriculum will be
                   creating a learning program for a society they know little about. Due to the shifting nature of
                   the societal demands of the future, no particular curriculum will be able to cater for the future

                   workforce without having to shape shift many times.

                   The future school prognosis

                   Future schools will be very diverse learning institutions:

                       Gone will be the daily timetable with learning occurring in the same location with a group
                       of 30. Students will come and go, draw from the resources of the community, use a

                       multitude of learning strategies and work with a variety of learning peers, including adults
                       (Bennet 2017).

                   The concept of lifelong learning will create perennial students in all members of society.

                   Absent the examination, students will know their readiness for new challenges through
                   engagement with other learners without relying on a supervisor to score and grade them.

                   The future school is a haven of open learning to equip them for the future workforce which
                   will be intertwined with technology and robotics.

               Techno savvy learner centered imagined future learning ecosystems
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