Page 3 - The future school ecosystem
P. 3

Future schools will be collaborative spaces, allowing learners to learn from
                                each other. The model of waiting to drink from the well of wisdom and

                                experience will no longer be relevant as learners will discover new knowledge
                                as and when they want it. The need to hear from an experienced adult will be
                                substituted for peer teaching, after all everyone is of the same age online.

                                The future school has a dilemma as much as the 21  Century School has, that
                                of teaching current learners for future professions that no one yet knows. The

                                rate at which old professions are going extinct is alarming to the educator.

                                                                   It means that learners must be redirected to

                                                               focus on the ability to think and adapt. To focus
                                                               on a particular career path for a learner in the

                                                               future school will be unheard of. The curriculum
                                                               must be adapted to train thinkers and

                                Figure 3  Graph showing the    innovators who can be anything depending on
                                disproportionate relationship between   what is available at the time. This is a huge
                                job creation and manufacturing growth
                                due to technology              game changer for the future school which must
                                be open and shy away from directing learners in a linier fashion.

                   How will the future school achieve the above?

                              The first fundamental shift in a future school will be to create the desire in
                              students to engage in lifelong learning. The students will have to realize that what

                              they learn remains relevant for a season but they need to keep learning so that
                              the individual remains relevant for all seasons.
                              The future school will not present information the same way to all learners at all

                              times. Diversity in presentation of data to allow different abilities in the learners to
                              be catered for.
                              The use of technology in the classroom will be complete. Educators in the future

                              will be trained in the art of presenting technology to the student and allowing the
                              student to explore and therefore learn rather than using technology to teach.

                              The backbone of today’s learning ecosystems, Assessment and Examination, will
                              be redundant in the future. Due to the nature of learning which centers on the
                              student, future schools will not have a use of examinations.

               Techno savvy learner centered imagined future learning ecosystems
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