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       Municipal Courts                                              CMBA 2014 legAl DireCtOry
            OhiO COurts Of AppeAl

     Highland Heights                     Brooklyn                              Rocky River
     City Hall: (440) 461-2440            City Hall: (216) 351-2133
     Law Director: Timothy Paluf          Law Director: Scott Claussen          21012 Hilliard Blvd.
     Prosecutor: Daniel Taylor            Prosecutor: Hillary Goldberg          Rocky River, Ohio 44116
                                          Mayor’s Court: (216) 635-4290         Phone: (440) 333-0066
     Lyndhurst                                                                  Fax: (440) 356-5613
     City Hall: (440) 442-5777            Brooklyn Heights            
     Law Director: Paul Murphy            village Hall: (216) 749-4300          Administrative/Presiding
     Prosecutor: Mike Cicero              Law Director: Jerome Dowling          Judge: Donna Congeni Fitzsimmons
                                          Prosecutor: Blair Melling
     Mayfield Heights                     Mayor’s Court: (216) 749-4300         Bailiff: Melissa Reilly
                                                                                Judge: Brian F. Hagan
     City Hall: (440) 442-2626                                                  Bailiff: Terri O’Neill and Kathleen Mortensen
     Interim Law Director: Paul T. Murphy  Linndale                             Clerk of Court: Deborah F. Comery
     Prosecutor: George Argie             village Hall: (216) 251-6000
                                          Law Director: George Simon
     Mayfield Village                     Prosecutor: Charles Nemer             JURISDICTION
                                                                                Bay village, Cleveland Metroparks, Fairview
     village Hall: (440) 461-2210         Mayor’s Court: (216) 251-6000         Park, North Olmsted, Rocky River, Westlake
     Law Director: Joseph Diemert, Jr.
     Prosecutor:  Mike Cicero             North Royalton
                                          City Hall: (440) 237-4300             Bay Village
     Richmond Heights                     Law Director: Thomas J. Kelly         City Hall: (440) 871-2200
                                                                                Law Director: Gary Ebert
     City Hall: (216) 486-2474            Assistant Law Director: Donna M. vozar  Prosecutor: Gary Hotz
     Law Director: Todd Hunt              Chief Prosecutor: Thomas J. Kelly
     Prosecutor: Mike Cicero              Assistant Prosecutors: Donna M. vozar and
                                          James J. McDonnell                    Cleveland Metroparks
                                                                                Main Office: (216) 635-3200
                                          Mayor’s Court: (440) 582-6224
     Parma                                                                      Prosecutor: Anne Eisenhower
     5555 Powers Blvd.                    Parma                                 Law Director: Rose Fini
     Parma, Ohio 44129                    City Hall: (440) 885-8000             Fairview Park
     Phone: (440) 887-7400                Law Director: Timothy G. Dobeck       City Hall: (440) 333-2200
     Fax: (440) 887-7490                  Chief Prosecutor:  Timothy G. Dobeck  Law Director: Bill McGinty                                                     Prosecutor: John Castele
                                          Parma Heights
     Judge: Kenneth R. Spanagel           City Hall: (440) 884-9600             North Olmsted
     Bailiff: Celeste Baker               Law Director: Michael P. Pokorny      City Hall: (440) 777-8000
     Judge: Timothy P. Gilligan           Prosecutor: Thomas J. Kelly           Law Director: Michael R. Gareau, Jr.
     Bailiff: Maria Pinzone               Mayor’s Court: (440) 884-9600         Prosecutor: Michael J. Gordillo
     Judge: Deanna O’Donnell                                                    MAYOR’S COURT: (440)716-4156
     Bailiff: Molly Maloney               Seven Hills
     Magistrates: Edward J. Fink, David A.   City Hall: (216) 524-4421          Rocky River
     Lambros, and George Lonjak           Law Director: Richard Pignatiello     City Hall: (440) 331-0600
     Clerk of Court: Martin E. vittardi   Assistant Law Director: Patrick DiChiro  Law Director: Andrew Bemer, Jr.
                                          Prosecutor: Patrick DiChiro           Prosecutor: Michael O’Shea
     JURISDICTION                         Mayor’s Court: (216) 524-4421
     Broadview Heights, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights,                             Westlake
     Linndale, North Royalton, Parma, Parma Heights,                            City Hall: (440) 871-3300
     Seven Hills                                                                Law Director: Michael P. Maloney
                                                                                Prosecutors: John Spellacy and Jack Corrigan
     Broadview Heights                                                          Assistant Law Director: Robin Leasure
     City Hall: (440) 526-4357
     Law Director: vince Ruffa
     Prosecutor: vince Ruffa
     Mayor’s Court: (440) 526-4895

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