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Court of Common Pleas

     CuyAhOGA COunTy

     Cuyahoga County                      Clerk of Courts                      CleRK OF COuRT DePARTMenTS
     Common Pleas Court                   Office                               outsiDe THE JUSTICE CENTER :

     The Justice Center                   The Justice Center                   court of appeals Division
     1200 Ontario Street                  1200 Ontario Street
     Cleveland, Ohio 44113 ................443-8560  Cleveland, Ohio 44113     Old Courthouse               One lakeside Avenue, Room 145
                                                                               Cleveland, Oh 44113
                                          Office hours: 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.   General information ...............................443-7937
     Departments locateD insiDe the
     Justice center                       Saturday (bond/cashier window only)
                                          9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
     Administrative Office .............................443-8560               Domestic relations Division
     Arraignment.................................................443-8660   clerk of courts  Old Courthouse
     Alternative Dispute Resolution/      nailah K. Byrd  One lakeside Avenue, Room 35
                                                                               Cleveland, Oh 44113
     Mediation (ADR) ......................................443-8504            General information ...............................443-7955
     Central Scheduling ...................................443-8550  CleRK OF COuRT DePARTMenTS
     Court Reporters.......................................443-8500  insiDe THE JUSTICE CENTER :  notary registration
     Foreclosure Mediation ...........................698-7138
     Grand Jury ....................................................443-8666  civil Division (1st floor)  Old Courthouse
                                                                               One lakeside Avenue, Room 33
     Petit Jury .........................................................443-8626  Cleveland, Oh 44113
     Probation Department .........................443-7900  General information ...............................443-7951    General information ...............................443-7970
     Staff Attorneys ............................................443-8560
                                          criminal Division (2nd floor)
     DePARTMenTS lOCATeD                  General information ...............................443-7999
     outsiDe The JuSTiCe CenTeR

                                          e-filing help Desk
                                          Civil ...................................................................698-8682
     Courthouse Square 6th Floor          Court of Appeals ......................................443-7937
     310 W. lakeside Ave................... ............443-8505
                                          Criminal ..........................................................698-3063
     notary commission
     Cuyahoga County Courthouse           finance .............................................443-7982
     Room #101
     One West lakeside Ave.               Garnishments ...............................443-3764
     Cleveland, Ohio 44113
     General information ...............................443-8623  Judgment lien ..............................443-7976

                                          case records request ............443-7939

                                                                               (216 area code unless otherwise noted)

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