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                                                                                                  Municipal Courts
        CMBA 2014 LegAL DireCtory                                            ohio Courts of AppeAL

        Shaker Heights                        South Euclid
        3355 Lee Road                         1349 S. Green Rd.
        Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120            South Euclid, Ohio 44121
        Phone: (216) 491-1300                 Phone: (216) 381-2880
        Fax: (216) 491-1314                   Fax: (216) 381-1195  

        Judge: K. J. Montgomery               Judge: Gayle Williams-Byers
        Clerk of Court: Steve Tomaszewski     Clerk of Court: Chardale P.  Sumpter
        Bailiff: Jerome Sheppard              Bailiff: Isaiah K. Simmons
                                              Magistrate: Dean valore
        Beachwood, Hunting valley, Pepper Pike,   JURISDICTION
        Shaker Heights, University Heights    Cleveland Metroparks, South Euclid and
                                              Notre Dame College
        City Hall: (216) 464-1070             Cleveland Metroparks
        Law Director: Hope Jones              Main Office: (216) 635-3200
        Prosecutor: Natalie Naso              Prosecutor: Anne Eisenhower
                                              Law Director: Rose Fini
        Hunting Valley
        City Hall: (440) 247-6106             South Euclid
        Law Director: Stephen Byron           City Hall: (216) 381-0400
        Prosecutor: Mike Cicero               Law Director: Michael Lograsso
                                              Prosecutors:  Tim Sterkle, Mike Cicero, Brian
        Pepper Pike                           Fallon, and Tony Bondra
        City Hall: (216) 831-8500
        Law Director: Stephen Byron
        Prosecutor: Thomas M. Hanculak

        Shaker Heights
        City Hall: (216) 491-1400
        Law Director: William M. Ondrey Gruber
        Prosecutor: Randolph Keller

        University Heights
        City Hall: (216) 932-7800
        Law Director: Luke McConville
        Prosecutor: Michael Astrab

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