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Vaccarelli                                                                                                   CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                 Vaccarelli, Julie Ann                (M)  Vajskop, Samantha A.            Valli, Richard Adam
                 P: (440) 580-2838                    P: (216) 520-0088     F: (216) 520-0044  P: (216) 621-0794
                 Jenne, Inc.                          5005 Rockside Road                   Richard A. Valli
                 33665 Chester Road                   Suite 260                            Suite 1610
                 Avon Lake, OH 44011                  Cleveland, OH 44131                  55 Public Square
                 Cleveland State University           Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                      OH: 11/07/2011    1st: 11/07/2011
                 Vaccariello, Caroline Saylor         (M)  Vakharia, Neil Nikhil           (M)  Vallorz, Sonia Chopko
                 P: (440) 473-9287                    University of Pennsylvania           9287 Province Lane
                 Preformed Line Products Company      OH: 11/07/2011    1st: 11/07/2011    Brecksville, OH 44141
                 660 Beta Drive                           University of Notre Dame
                 Mayfield Village, OH 44143                                                OH: 11/01/1984    1st: 11/01/1984
                 Cleveland State University                                      

                 Vaccaro, Julie Ann                   (M)  Valdez, Carrie                  Valore, Dean Michael
                 P: (216) 363-4483                    P: (216) 621-0200     F: (216) 696-0740  P: (440) 333-7330
                 Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan, Aronoff  BakerHostetler                     Valore & Gordillo, LLP
                 200 Public Square, Suite 2300        Key Tower                            21055 Lorain Road
                 Cleveland, OH 44114                  127 Public Square, Suite 2000        Cleveland, OH 44126
                 Cleveland State University           Cleveland, OH 44114-1214             Cleveland State University
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/16/2015    1st: 11/16/2015
                 Vaccaro, Michael Robert              (M)  Valdez, Kathleen Christine      Valore, Joseph Anthony
                 P: (440) 670-2367                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    P: (440) 333-7330
                 Rathbone Group, LLC                  OH: 05/15/2017    1st: 05/15/2017    Valore & Gordillo, LLP
                 1100 Superior Avenue                   21055 Lorain Road
                 Suite 1850                                                                Cleveland, OH 44126
                 Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Thomas M. Cooley Law School

                 Vacha, Christine Marie               (M)  Valent, David A.                (M)  Valponi, Mark J.
                 P: (216) 443-7800                    P: (216) 448-0200     F: (216) 448-0201  P: (216) 241-2838     F: (216) 241-3707
                 Cuyahoga County Prosecutors Office   The Cleveland Clinic - Law Department  Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
                 1200 Ontario Street                  3050 Science Park Drive              200 Public Square
                 Cleveland, OH 44113                  AC321                                Suite 3500
                 Thomas Jefferson School of Law       Beachwood, OH 44122                  Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/01/2008    1st: 11/01/2008    OH: 11/01/1977    1st: 11/01/1977
                 Vadnal, Richard Anthony              Valente, Eric Daniel                 (M)  Van, Daniel T.
                 P: (440) 602-5125                    P: (216) 586-2721                    P: (216) 443-7865     F: (216) 443-7601
                 Richard A. Vadnal, Co., LPA          J.W. Krueger, LLC                    Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office
                 38106 3rd Street                     P.O. Box 360135                      1200 Ontario Street
                 Willoughby, OH 44094-6140            Strongsville, OH 44136               8th Floor
                                                      University of Toledo                 Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                           Case Western Reserve University
                                                                                           OH: 05/18/2009    1st: 05/18/2009
                 (M)  Vagi, Jolan B.                  Valenti, John Arcangelo              Van Buren, Susan Kathryn
                 P: (216) 664-4971                    P: (216) 902-4444
                 Cleveland Municipal Court            Kelley Jasons McGowan Spinelli & Hanna
                 1200 Ontario Street                  The Bradley Building
                 Cleveland, OH 44113                  1220 West 6th St., Suite 305
                 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland, OH 44113
                 OH: 11/15/1982    1st: 11/15/1982
                 (M)  Vail, James D.                  Valentin, Alina Maria                Van Dress, Dean Whitney
                 P: (216) 696-4200 x1137  F: (216) 696-7303  P: (216) 952-7473             P: (440) 239-9777
                 Schneider Smeltz Spieth Bell LLP     2024 West 87th St.                   VanDress Legal Group Co. LLC.
                 One Cleveland Center                 Cleveland, OH 44102                  The Bank of Berea Bldg.
                 1375 East 9th Street, Suite 900      University of Denver                 46 Front Street
                 Cleveland, OH 44114                                                       Berea, OH 44017
                 Case Western Reserve University                                           Cleveland State University
                 OH: 11/01/1979    1st: 11/01/1979
                 Vail, Julia Barlow                   Valentine, James Edward              Van Dyke, Anthony Philip
                 P: (216) 509-3301                    P: (216) 702-5211                    P: (216) 375-2745
                 WLS Companies                        James E Valentine,Attorney at Law    A. Philip Van Dyke, J.D., M.Tax
                 5405 Avion Park Drive                P.O. Box 21266                       VANDYKETRISTATELAW.COM
                 Highland Heights, OH 44143           South Euclid, OH 44121               4822 Monticello Boulevard
                                                                                           Richmond Hts., OH 44143

                 (M)  Vaisa, Jeffrey Raymond          (M)  Valentine, Nancy A.             (M)  Van Euwen III, Peter
                 P: (216) 831-0042     F: (216) 831-0542  P: (216) 716-5040     F: (248) 879-2001  P: (216) 621-0200     F: (216) 696-0740
                 Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis     Miller Canfield                      BakerHostetler
                 Eton Tower                           1100 Superior Avenue E               Key Tower
                 28601 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 600       Suite 1750                           127 Public Square, Suite 2000
                 Cleveland, OH 44122-4541             Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland, OH 44114-1214
                 Indiana University-Bloomington       OSU Moritz College of Law            OSU Moritz College of Law
                 OH: 11/07/2016    1st: 11/07/2016    OH: 11/09/1998    1st: 11/09/1998    OH: 11/09/1998    1st: 11/09/1998
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