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Vargo                                                                                                 CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                 Vargo, James Andrew                  (M)  Vaughn, Ann S.                   Veloso, Jason Scott
                 P: (440) 493-9194                    P: (888) 430-5558                     P: (216) 694-5334
                 James A. Vargo & Associates, LLC, LPA  Martin & Vaughn Legal Group         Cliffs Natural Resources, Inc.
                 P.O. Box 30778                       4807Rockside Road                     200 Public Square
                 Cleveland, OH 44130-5066             Suite 400                             Suite 3300
                                                      Independence, OH 44131                Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Duke University
                                                      OH: 11/18/2002    1st: 11/18/2002
                 (M)  Vary, Jaclyn Matayoshi          (M)  Vavra, Amy                       Venci Jr., Anthony L.
                 P: (216) 622-8338     F: (216) 241-0816  P: (216) 861-5500     F: (216) 687-0779  P: (216) 502-0600
                 Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP        The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland    Eschweiler & Potashnik, LLC
                 The Calfee Building                  1223 West 6th Street                  629 Euclid Ave.
                 1405 East 6th Street                 Cleveland, OH 44113-1301              Suite # 1000
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-1607                09/27/2012                         Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Case Western Reserve University                 University of Akron
                 OH: 11/05/2012    1st: 11/05/2012
                 Vary, Michael Willis                 Vavra, Brian Bleecker                 Venesile, Amy Elizabeth
                 P: (216) 696-1422                    P: (216) 363-6264                     P: (216) 443-7800
                 McCarthy Lebit Crystal & Liffman     Benesch Law                           Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office
                 Suite 1800                           200 Public Square, Suite 2300         The Justice Center
                 101 W. Prospect Ave.                 Cleveland, OH 44114                   1200 Ontario Street
                 Cleveland, OH 44115-1088                                                   Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                                                            Cleveland State University
                 Vas, Rinda Elizabeth                 Vavruska, Jeffrey Alan                Veneziano, Anne Deborah
                 P: (216) 252-7300                    P: (440) 347-1340                     P: (216) 926-7091
                 American Greetings Corporation       The Lubrizol Corporation              Anne D. Veneziano
                 One American Boulevard               29400 Lakeland Boulevard              2440 SOM Center Road
                 Cleveland, OH 44145                  Wickliffe, OH 44092-2298              Pepper Pike, OH 44124-4214
                 Cleveland State University                                                 Case Western Reserve University

                 (M)  Vaselaney, Missia H.            Vavruska, Stasia Majidzadeh           Venizelos, Constantine Paul
                 P: (216) 706-3956                    P: (216) 378-7620                     P: (216) 575-0777
                 Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP      Resource International, Inc.          Kelley & Ferraro, LLP
                 200 Public Square                    2000 Auburn Drive                     2200 Key Tower
                 Suite 3500                           Suite 200                             127 Public Square
                 Cleveland, OH 44114                  Beachwood, OH 44122                   Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          Case Western Reserve University
                 OH: 05/13/1985    1st: 05/13/1985
                 Vasu, Nathan Stupp                   (M)  Vecchio, Robert J.               Venizelos, James Constantine
                 Case Western Reserve University      P: (216) 566-1424     F: (216) 566-1468  P: (216) 132-6093
                                                      Vecchio & Vegh, LLC                   The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
                                                      526 Superior Avenue, E.               28th Floor 989 Changle Lu
                                                      Suite 220                             Shanghai,  200031
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44114-1401              Cleveland State University
                                                      California Western
                                                      OH: 05/10/1982    1st: 05/10/1982
                 Vasu, Veronica Lambillotte           Vegh, Anthony Joseph                  Venters, Yuri Romonn
                 P: (216) 622-8636                    P: (216) 566-1424                     P: (216) 241-5300
                 Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP        Anthony J. Vegh                       Dreyfuss Williams & Associates Co., LPA
                 1405 E 6th St                        526 Superior Ave., E                  1801 E. 9th St., Suite 1110
                 Cleveland, OH 44114                  Suite 220                             Cleveland, OH 44114
                 Case Western Reserve University      Cleveland, OH 44114                   Vanderbilt University
                                                      Case Western Reserve University
                 (M)  Vasvari Jr., Raymond            (M)  Veillette, Robert E.             (M)  Vento, Nicholas M.
                 P: (216) 458-5880     F: (216) 928-0016  1494 Glen Lyon Drive              P: (330) 405-5061     F: (330) 405-5586
                 Vasvari & Zimmerman                  Westlake, OH 44145                    Williams Moliterno & Scully Co., L.P.A.
                 1301 East 9th Street                 University of Akron School of Law     2 Summit Park Drive
                 Suite 1100                           OH: 11/01/1978    1st: 11/01/1978     Suite 235
                 Cleveland, OH 44114-1844                                                   Cleveland, OH 44131-2574
                 Case Western Reserve University                                            Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                 OH: 11/01/1991    1st: 11/01/1991                                          OH: 11/16/2015    1st: 11/16/2015
                 (M)  Vaughan, Matthew T.             (M)  Veljkovic, Heather               Verardi, Courtney Lynnette
                 P: (202) 263-4166     F: (202) 331-8330  P: (216) 664-6271     F: (216) 420-8126  Cuyahoga County Probate Court
                 Thompson Hine LLP                    Cleveland Municipal Court Housing     1 West Lakeside Ave.
                 1919 M Street NW                     Division                              Cleveland, OH 44113
                 Suite 700                            1200 Ontario Street                   University of Akron
                 Washington, DC 20036-3537            Cleveland, OH 44113
                 Georgetown University                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                 OH: 11/05/2012    1st: 11/05/2012    OH: 11/20/2000    1st: 11/20/2000
                 Vaughn, Aaron Michael                (M)  Veljkovic, Milos                 (M)  Verciglio, Joseph F.
                 P: (440) 655-1234                    P: (440) 885-8132     F: (440) 885-8008  P: (216) 861-7713     F: (216) 696-0740
                 The Law Office of Aaron Vaughn       Parma City Hall                       BakerHostetler
                 1991 Crocker Rd, Ste 300             6611 Ridge Road                       Key Tower
                 Westlake, OH 44145                   Parma, OH 44129                       127 Public Square, Suite 2000
                 Case Western Reserve University      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44114-1214
                                                      OH: 05/16/2008    1st: 05/01/2008     State University of New York at Buffalo
                                                           OH: 10/01/2006    1st: 10/01/2006
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