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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                                         Vargo

                    Van Iden, Byron Douglas              Vance, William                        Vannucci, Dominic Joseph
                    P: (216) 589-5622                    P: (216) 509-8173                     P: (440) 777-6500
                    Byron D. Van Iden                    Vickers Law Group                     Dominic J Vannucci Co LPA
                    The IMG Center, Suite #910           1119 Bassett Road                     22649 Lorain Rd
                    1360 East 9th Street                 Westlake, OH 44145                    Fairview Park, OH 44126
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-1193

                    Van Ness, Charles John               (M)  Vanderburg, Keith A.             VanRooy, Mark Joseph
                    P: (440) 461-4433                    P: (216) 642-3342     F: (216) 642-8826  P: (440) 333-2572
                    Van Ness Law, Ltd.                   Wegman, Hessler & Vanderburg          Law Offices of Mark Van Rooy
                    6181 Mayfield Road                   6055 Rockside Woods Blvd.             20525 Center Ridge Rd.,Ste 626
                    Suite 104                            Suite 200                             Rocky River, OH 44116
                    Mayfield Hts., OH 44124              Independence, OH 44131-2302           Cleveland State University
                    Indiana University-Bloomington       Valparaiso University
                                                         OH: 11/01/1978    1st: 11/01/1978
                    Van Valkenburgh, Paul Francis        (M)  Vanderwist, James C.             VanRumppe, Margaret Mary
                    P: (216) 767-8220                    P: (440) 788-5000     F: (440) 788-5100  P: (216) 515-1210
                    University Hospitals Health System   Hyland Software                       Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
                    3605 Warrensville Center Road        28500 Clemens Road                    1100 Rock & Roll Blvd.
                    Shaker Heights, OH 44122             Westlake, OH 44145                    Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                         Georgetown University                 University of Wisconsin
                                                         OH: 09/01/1983    1st: 09/01/1983
                    (M)  Van Wagner, Jeffrey W.          Vanderwist, Kathryn Kariotis          Varcho, Raymond Andrew
                    P: (216) 875-2767     F: (216) 875-1570  P: (440) 708-9303                 P: (216) 524-4990
                    Bonezzi Switzer Polito & Hupp Co. L.P.A.  Tarkett USA Inc.                 CSA America, Inc. d/b/a CSA Group
                    1300 East 9th Street                 30000 Aurora Road                     8501 East Pleasant Valley Road
                    Suite 1950                           solon, OH 44139                       Cleveland, OH 44131-5116
                    Cleveland, OH 44114
                    Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 11/04/1979    1st: 11/04/1979
                    VanAtta, Roberta Lee                 VanDetta, Saber Williams              (M)  Varga, Jane M.
                    P: (440) 552-5497                    P: (440) 395-2079                     P: (440) 888-2770     F: (440) 888-2867
                    Roberta  L. VanAtta, LLC             Progressive                           Law Office of Jane M. Varga
                    21300 Lorain Road                    6300 Wilson Mills Road, OHN72         7100 East Pleasant Valley Road
                    Fairview Park, OH 44126              Mayfield Village, OH 44143            Suite 120
                                                         Ohio State University                 Independence, OH 44131
                                                                                               Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                                                               OH: 11/06/1981    1st: 11/06/1981
                    VanBergen, James Joseph              VanGilder, Donald Nolan               (M)  Varga, John C.
                    P: (877) 402-0822                    P: (216) 696-9310                     P: (216) 515-4582     F: (216) 566-1708
                    Social Security Administration, ODAR  Cariglio & Associates Co.            The Sherwin-Williams Company
                    Skylight Office Tower, #500          1991 Crocker Road                     11 Midland Bldg.
                    1660 W. Second St.                   Suite 600                             101 West Prospect Avenue
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  Westlake, OH 44145                    Cleveland, OH 44115-1093
                                                         Case Western Reserve University       Case Western Reserve University
                                                                                               OH: 05/12/1997    1st: 05/12/1997
                    (M)  VanBuren, Michael G.            Vanik, John Charles                   Vargas, Edwin James
                    P: (216) 622-8343     F: (216) 241-0816  P: (216) 389-2229                 P: (216) 539-1236
                    Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP        John C. Vanik, Attorney at Law        21245 Lorain Road, Suite 200
                    The Calfee Building                  P.O. Box 24539                        Cleveland, OH 44126
                    1405 East 6th Street                 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124            Cleveland State University
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-1607
                    Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 11/01/2007    1st: 11/01/2007
                    (M)  Vance, David R.                 (M)  Vanik Jr., Thomas C.             (M)  Vargas, Shaleika
                    P: (216) 696-4441     F: (216) 696-1618  P: (216) 916-8442     F: (216) 916-8421  P: (216) 741-2201
                    Zashin & Rich Co., L.P.A.            FSM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT                Vargas Law, LLC
                    950 Main Avenue                      6060 Parkland Blvd                    2012 West 25th Street
                    4th Floor                            Ste 100                               Suite 517
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44124-4225              Cleveland, OH 44113
                    OSU Moritz College of Law            Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 11/17/2008    1st: 11/17/2008    OH: 05/09/2016    1st: 05/09/2016     OH: 11/04/2013    1st: 11/04/2013
                    Vance, Michelle Anne                 (M)  Vannelli, Gail L.                Varga-Sinka, Michael Paul
                    Cleveland State University           P: (440) 338-7172
                                                         P.O. Box 64
                                                         Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
                                                         University of South Carolina
                                                         OH: 11/01/1986    1st: 11/01/1986
                    (M)  Vance, Victoria L.              (M)  VanNiel, Michael A.              (M)  Vargo, Ernest E.
                    P: (216) 696-3360     F: (216) 592-5009  P: (216) 621-0200     F: (216) 696-0740  P: (216) 861-7349     F: (216) 696-0740
                    Tucker Ellis LLP                     BakerHostetler                        BakerHostetler
                    950 Main Avenue                      Key Tower                             Key Tower
                    Suite 1100                           127 Public Square, Suite 2000         127 Public Square, Suite 2000
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44114-1214              Cleveland, OH 44114-1214
                    Cornell Law School                   University of Toledo                  University of Michigan
                    OH: 11/01/1982    1st: 11/01/1982    OH: 11/13/2001    1st: 11/13/2001     OH: 11/01/1985    1st: 11/01/1985
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