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eighth District

        COuRt OF APPeALS, StAte OF OHiO

        Eighth District                       Court Administration ........................................................................................................................(216) 443-6350
        Court of Appeals                      main Court Fax ....................................................................................................................................(216) 443-2044
                                              main Court email
        Cuyahoga County Courthouse            Case Status information .................................................................................................................(216) 443-7937
        One West Lakeside Ave, Suite 202      Docket and Pending Files ................................................................................................................(216) 443-7937
        Cleveland, OH 44113
        Phone: (216) 443-6350                 Scheduling and Calendaring...........................................................................................................(216) 443-6391
        Fax: (216) 443-2044                   Prehearing Conference ....................................................................................................................(216) 348-4809

                                              Court ADministrAtor AnD mAGistrAtE
        Clerk of the Court of Appeals         erin m. O’toole ............................................................................................................................................................(216) 443-6396
        (Responsible for Filings and the Docket)
        Cuyahoga County Court House           DEputy Court ADministrAtor/stAff
                                              Bridget O’Brien ............................................................................................................................................................(216) 443-6398
        One West Lakeside Ave.,145
        Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1085            ADministrAtivE stAff
        Phone: (216) 443-7937                 terri Berish
                                              Jason W. Diehl
                                              Lillian elmore
        Judge Eileen A. Gallagher             Jan French
        ADminiStRAtive JuDge 2018             Jeanne gallagher
                                              meghan myers

                                              AssiGnmEnt CommissionEr
                                              Damon Wright .............................................................................................................................................................(216) 443-6391

                                              With jurisdiction over Cuyahoga County, the eighth Appellate District Court is the largest and busiest
                                              appellate court in Ohio. Randomly assigned, its twelve judges sit on three-judge panels.  Weekly, nine
                                              or more cases are allocated to each panel for review. Each judge reads the briefs filed by the parties,
                                              reviews the lower court record, and with the aid of legal staff, conducts research on the issues presented.

                                              Oral arguments are scheduled on tuesdays and Wednesdays most weeks throughout the year, with each
                                              side given fifteen minutes to present its case.  Twenty-seven or more cases are scheduled for hearing in
                                              three courtrooms, all of which are open to the public.  Following oral arguments, the judges conference
                                              the cases.  One of the judges is randomly selected to write an opinion which states the ruling of the
                                              panel and contains an analysis of the legal issues and the reasons underlying the decision.  if one of the
                                              judges on the panel does not agree with the decision, he or she may write a dissenting opinion, which is
                                              released with that of the majority. Opinions are released weekly, generally on thursdays.

                                              A party dissatisfied with a decision may appeal it to the Ohio Supreme Court.  However, unlike an
                                              appeals court that accepts every case, the Ohio Supreme Court generally has the discretion to accept
                                              or decline an appeal.  On average, the Supreme Court accepts only about ten percent of those cases.
                                              As a result, the eighth District Appellate Court is the court of last resort for the majority of civil and
                                              criminal litigants in Cuyahoga County.
                                              The Main Courtroom of the Eighth Appellate District, located on the second floor off the Great Hall of
                                              the Cuyahoga County Court House, is one of the most impressive in Ohio.  Completed in 1912, it has
                                              remained virtually unchanged and retains a timeless elegance.  visitors are welcome between 8:30 a.m.
                                              and 4:30 p.m. except when the Court is in session.  Occasionally, tours will meet the judges who are
                                              always delighted to answer questions about the court and its history.

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