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U.S. District Courts–N.D. Ohio                                    CMBA 2018 leGAl DIreCTOry

     District Judges

     Chief Judge Patricia A. Gaughan      Judge John r. Adams                  Judge benita Y. Pearson
     patricia-a-gaughan                   john-r-adams/                        y-pearson/
     Carl B. Stokes United States Court House  John F. Seiberling Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse  313 Thomas D. lambros United States Federal
     801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 19B  Two South Main Street, room 510  Building and Courthouse
     Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1835           Akron, Ohio 44308-1813               125 Market Street
     Phone: (216) 357-7210                Phone: (330) 252-6070                youngstown, Ohio 44503-1780
     Fax: (216) 357-7215                  Fax: (330) 252-6077                  Phone: (330) 884-7435
                                                                               Fax: (330) 884-7450
     ChAmbers sTAff                       ChAmbers sTAff
     Mary Doubrava, Judicial Assistant    Christin Kestner, Courtroom Deputy Clerk  ChAmbers sTAff
     Stella leno-Clifford, Courtroom Deputy Clerk                              Judy Guyer, Courtroom Deputy Clerk
                                          Judge Christopher A. boyko
     Judge solomon oliver, Jr.    Judge Jeffrey J. helmick  pher-a-boyko/ 
     mon-oliver-jr/                       Carl B. Stokes United States Court House  j-helmick/
     Carl B. Stokes United States Court House  801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 15B  James M. Ashley and Thomas W.l. Ashley
     801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 17A  Cleveland, Ohio 44113            U.S. Courthouse
     Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1838           Phone: (216) 357-7151                1716 Spielbusch Avenue, room 210
     Phone: (216) 357-7171                Fax: (216) 357-7156                  Toledo, Ohio 43604-1363
     Fax: (216) 357-7176                                                       Phone: (419) 213-5690
                                          ChAmbers sTAff                       Fax: (419) 213-5696
     ChAmbers sTAff                       Debra A. ress, Judicial Assistant
     Bettye J. rhinehart, Judicial Assistant  Chris Huth, Courtroom Deputy Clerk  email:
     Sharon romito, Courtroon Deputy Clerk                                     ChAmbers sTAff
                                          Judge Jack Zouhary                   Dawn Serna-Gensch, Judicial Assistant
     Judge James Gwin             Amy Schroeder, Courtroom Deputy Clerk  zouhary/
     gwin/                                                                     Judge James G. Carr
                                          James M. Ashley and Thomas W.l. Ashley
     Carl B. Stokes United States Court House  U.S. Courthouse       
     801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 18A  1716 Spielbusch Avenue, room 203  james-g-carr/
     Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1838           Toledo, Ohio 43604-1363              James M. Ashley and Thomas W.l. Ashley
     Phone: (216) 357-7112                Phone: (419) 213-5675                U.S. Courthouse
     Fax: (216) 357-7116                  Fax: (419) 213-5680                  1716 Spielbusch Avenue, room 403
                                                                               Toledo, Ohio 43604-1363
     ChAmbers sTAff                       ChAmbers sTAff
     Melanie Dresch, Courtroom Deputy Clerk  nancy Sniegocki, Judicial Assistant  Phone: (419) 213-5555
                                          Laura Doerfler, Courtroom Deputy Clerk  Fax: (419) 213-5563
     Judge Dan Aaron Polster                                                   ChAmbers sTAff  Judge sara Lioi          DeAnna Cox, Courtroom Deputy Clerk
     Carl B. Stokes United States Court House  John F. Seiberling Federal Building and    Judge Donald C. Nugent
     801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 18B  U.S. Courthouse        
     Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1837           Two South Main Street, room 526      donald-c-nugent/
     Phone: (216) 357-7190                Akron, Ohio 44308-1813               Carl B. Stokes United States Court House
     Fax: (216) 357-7195                  Phone: (330) 252-6060                801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 15A
                                          Fax:  (330) 252-6058                 Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1842
     ChAmbers sTAff
     Helen norton, Judicial Assistant     ChAmbers sTAff                       Phone: (216) 357-7160
     Katie King, Courtroom Deputy Clerk   Jacqueline Porter, Courtroom Deputy Clerk  Fax: (216)-357-7165
                                                                               ChAmbers sTAff
                                                                               Jeane M. Wells ruprecht, Judicial Assistant/Court-
                                                                               room Deputy Clerk

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