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CMBA 2018 leGAl DIreCTOry                                                U.S. District Courts–N.D. Ohio

        magistrate Judges

        George J. Limbert                     Kathleen b. burke                    David A. ruiz
        judge-george-j-limbert/               judge-kathleen-b-burke/              judge-david-a-ruiz/
                                                                                   Carl B. Stokes United States Court House
        Thomas D. lambros Federal Building and   John F. Seiberling Federal Building and   801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 9B
        U.S. Courthouse                       U.S. Courthouse                      Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1849
        125 Market Street, room 229           Two South Main Street, room 480      Phone: (216) 357-7230
        youngstown, Ohio 44503-1787           Akron, Ohio 44308-1813               Fax: (216) 357-7234
        Phone: (330) 884-7460                 Phone: (330) 252-6170                ChAmbers sTAff
        Fax: (330) 884-7468                   Fax: (330) 252-6175                  Colleen Gallagher, Courtroom Deputy Clerk

        ChAmbers sTAff                        ChAmbers sTAff
        Anita Schenker, Courtroom Deputy Clerk  Ivonne Davis, Courtroom Deputy Clerk

        William h. baughman, Jr.              Thomas m. Parker
        judge-william-h-baughman-jr/          judge-thomas-m-parker/

        Carl B. Stokes United States Court House  Carl B. Strokes United States Court House
        801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 10A  801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 11B
        Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1846            Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1845
        Phone: (216) 357-7220                 Phone: (216) 357-7135
        Fax: (216) 357-7224                   Fax: (216) 357-7139

        ChAmbers sTAff                        ChAmbers sTAff
        Katie Kassel, Paralegal/Judicial Assistant  Karla Orozco, Courtroom Deputy Clerk
        Donna Hach, Courtroom Deputy

        James r. Knepp, ii                    Jonathan D. Greenberg
        judge-james-r-knepp-ii/               judge-jonathan-d-greenberg/

        James M. Ashley and Thomas W.l. Ashley   Carl B. Strokes United States Court House
        U.S. Courthouse                       801 West Superior Avenue, Courtroom 10B
        1716 Spielbusch Avenue, room 318      Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1847
        Toledo, Ohio 43604-1363               Phone: (216) 357-7130
        Phone: (419) 213-5570                 Fax: (216) 357-7134
        Fax: (419) 213-5575
        email:  ChAmbers sTAff
                                              Stacey Swonger, Courtroom Deputy Clerk
        ChAmbers sTAff
        Pam Armstrong, Courtroom Deputy Clerk

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