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CmBA 2018 LegAL DiReCtORy                                                              Court of Appeals

                 Judge patricia Ann Blackmon          Judge Larry A. Jones, sr.            Court ADministrAtor &
                 JuDiCiAL AttORneyS                   JuDiCiAL AttORneyS                   mAGistrAtE
                 Darci Deltorto and                   Amy Cheatham tye and                 Erin m. o’toole
                 Rochelle Dobek                       Anna Ferguson                        Phone: (216) 443-6398
                   Phone: (216) 443-6358              Phone: (216) 348-4837
                 http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.         http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.
                 us/judges/Blackmon.htm               us/judges/Jones.htm

                 Judge mary J. Boyle                  Judge Kathleen Ann Keough  stAff AttornEys
                 JuDiCiAL AttORneyS                   JuDiCiAL AttORneyS       The staff attorneys, who have offices of the second floor
                                                                               of the  Cuyahoga  County Court  House,  conduct  legal
                 elizabeth Hornberger                 Christina gary and Wendy Ling  research, prepare legal memoranda, assist the judges on
                 and michelle Krocker                 Phone: (216) 443-6359    a wide range of legal subjects, and respond to inquiries
                   Phone: (216) 443-6354                http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.  by attorneys and litigants on court
                 http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.       us/judges/keough.htm     procedure.
                                                                               Bridget o’Brien
                                                                               DePuty COuRt ADminiStRAtOR
                 Judge frank D. Celebrezze Jr.        Judge mary Eileen Kilbane
                 JuDiCiAL AttORneyS                   JuDiCiAL AttORneyS       David f. parchem
                 matthew Fitzsimmons and              Romie Christensen        StAFF AttORney
                 georgory A. Peltz, ii                and Clare gravens
                   Phone: (216) 443-6352                Phone: (216) 443-6355   Jacob Dicus
                 http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.       http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.  StAFF AttORney
                 us/judges/Celebrezze.htm             us/judges/Kilbane.htm
                                                                               Andrew n. rodak
                                                                               StAFF AttORney
                 Judge Eileen A. Gallagher            Judge tim mcCormack
                 JuDiCiAL AttORneyS                   JuDiCiAL AttORneyS       Janice schwartz
                 toni Farkas and James mcglone        Jessica Joyce and Angela Sullivan  en BAnC StAFF AttORney
                 Phone: 216-443-6356                  Phone: (216) 348-4807
                   http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.   ConfErEnCE/mEDiAtion AttornEys
                 us/judges/gallaghereileenA.htm       judges/mcCormack.htm     The conference attorneys, who have offices on the first
                                                                               floor of the Cuyahoga County Court House, conduct
                                                                               the Appellate Court’s Prehearing Conference Program
                                                                               established in 1991. the program is designed to settle
                                                                               civil cases before the parties in pending appeals incur the
                 Judge Eileen t. Gallagher            Judge Anita Laster mays  expense and time required to bring the dispute to oral
                                                                               argument and judicial decision.
                 JuDiCiAL AttORneyS                   JuDiCiAL AttORneyS
                 Brandon French and                   Christian Joy maiden and  mary pat Horwitz
                 Sonia Roche                          Deborah gooden-Blade     ADminiStRAtive COunSeL
                 Phone: 216-443-6357                  Phone: (216) 348-4881
                 http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.       http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.  David A. shively
                      us/judges/gallaghereileenA.htm   us/judges/mays.htm      COnFeRenCe AttORney

                 Judge sean C. Gallagher              Judge melody J. stewart
                 JuDiCiAL AttORneyS                   JuDiCiAL AttORneyS
                 David Winkelhake and                 Chauncey Keller and
                 Amy Lennon                           timothy Riordan
                 Phone:  (216) 348-4838               Phone: (216) 443-6360
                   http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.     http://appeals.cuyahogacounty.
                 us/judges/gallagherSeanC.htm         us/judges/Stewart.htm

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