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BarJournal                   ENVIRONMENTAL LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEaTUrE             In-House Counsel Perspectives

                             on growing a More Effective

                      Partnership with Outside Counsel

                                                             BY LISA SuTTON, KATY FRANZ & JILL BAuTISTA

                    s in-house environmental   Keep in mind, law firms are “just another ven-  — and provide spend and other data to us as re-
                    counsel  at Eaton, we wanted   dor” to our businesses.     quested. Meet your budgets and forecasts (and we
                    to focus our article on spe-  This is a humbling statement and is not intended   do understand there’s an art to this process versus
                    cific insights and tangible   to be disrespectful, but when it comes to Cor-  science). Here’s the thing: we, in-house counsel,
        A suggestions that we can offer     porate  America’s  relationship  to  law  firms,  you   are accountable on a monthly basis to meet bud-
        our  outside  counsel  colleagues, versus obvi-  are really “just another vendor” in our supply   gets and provide as accurate as possible forecasts.
        ous or esoteric commentary. We come at this   chain world. As such, law firms are subject to the   We are actively measuring and reporting this
        with combined in-house experience of about   same expectations as a supplier of steel, chemical   performance all along the way. We cannot be suc-
        30 years. We are by no means the experts, but   products, or wastewater services. Yes, you offer   cessful without your deep management and part-
        have come across some valuable insights and   unique and valuable professional services, but   nership on these issues.
        lessons learned across the way from working   you, as the relationship attorney, must help your
        with you, our businesses, and other corporate   inside team by ensuring the law firm’s processes   When we say inclusion, diversity, environmen-
        staff functions, covering both general inside-  align with company supply chain expectations —   tal sustainability and social responsibility mat-
        outside relationship issues, along  with a few   most prominently, cost-efficiency or “cost-out”   ter, we really do mean it.
        environmental-based  take-aways.  To  better   requirements. These concepts were at one time a   As you may know, like many of your clients, Ea-
        serve our shared Company client, we offer the   bit foreign to law firms (as they were to in-house   ton values an inclusive and diverse (I&D) work-
        following suggestions for in-house/outside le-  counsel), but as most appreciate now, these supply   force and we hire outside counsel with a similar
        gal teams to provide more powerful, efficient   chain requirements are the price of doing business   commitment. This is not only a matter of straight
        and accountable legal support.      with us. So, how can you help specifically? First,   staffing metrics but providing your diverse team
                                            ensure that soup-to-nuts billing requirements are   members with meaningful retention, mentor-
        We are strategic partners with shared perfor-  deployed and met throughout the law firm. These   ship, business, and leadership opportunities at the
        mance and accountability.           requirements include staffing, general invoicing,   firm. For example, we actively support and mea-
        At the risk of stating the obvious, in-house   time/format of invoices, authorized/unauthorized   sure the number of diverse lead counsel on Eaton
        and outside counsel together must provide   charges, and time-to-pay expectations. Second,   matters. Firms that show a similar commitment
        our Company with stellar, responsive, and   we expect firm client relationship attorneys to en-  get more Eaton work — it’s that simple. Likewise,
        cost-effective legal professional services. The   sure understanding and deployment throughout   firms that do not support our I&D efforts (in-
        business often views all of the “lawyers” as the   each of the law firm’s departments in the same   cluding firms that fail to provide requested diver-
        same — no distinction between in-house and   way that we, with you, have accountability to our   sity information on our cases or do not meet our
        outside counsel. As such, the legal team must   supply chain teams for the same.  diverse staffing expectations) will not get future
        understand and share joint objectives to meet                          Eaton work. We review these I&D considerations
        the needs of the Company. To be effective,   Yes, a lot of this is about cost.   with the placement of every single Eaton mat-
        you have to know our Company, values, busi-  Of course, right? But you can really help us and   ter. Likewise, as we hope you know, Eaton has
        nesses, products and services, organizational   the business here. And here’s the thing: there’s a   a long-standing and deep commitment to envi-
        structure,  and  how  we  “work.”  We  want  our   good and understandable reason for all this cost   ronmental sustainability and social responsibility.
        outside counsel involved in our annual goal   pressure. Our business faces it every day and we,   We seek to work with legal partners who share in
        and strategic planning, aligning with Law De-  as lawyers, need to not only say we  appreciate   these commitments “outside of the law.”
        partment and Company objectives. We want   that but tangibly do something about it. From
        to be brain-partners with outside counsel on   the inside end, our commitment to our business   Thinking beyond the “environmental silo.”
        our cases or projects. We want outside coun-  partners is to be as efficient as possible when it   One comment in-house counsel periodically
        sel to transparently share mistakes and lessons   comes to legal fees — specifically, to establish and   hears is the essential need for us to more broadly
        learned from your experiences to guide our   meet cost-effective budgets and to think creative-  consider business or other legal issues that go
        go-forward (and we are indeed willing to share   ly about alternative cost or staffing arrangements   beyond our specific environmental silo. Environ-
        ours too within the bounds of confidentiality).   on cases/projects. We truly savor being partners   mental issues (operational or legacy/remedial)
        Across the board, we believe these efforts pro-  with you based on what you see across your cli-  commonly trigger other legal issues, whether la-
        vide our client, the Company, with the best   ent bases as to effective ways to manage services   bor, safety, real estate, or commercial. An outside
        work product.                       and costs. Help us with budgets and forecasting   counsel who can help their in-house partner iden-
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