Page 34 - 2018 October Bar Journal
P. 34

BarJournal                   FEATuRE

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      ExTra               Be a Champion

                                              BY KIRA S. KITTOE-KRIVOSH

                     entors, they can be an elusive   unleashed into the workforce with a will to be   Benefits of mentorship
                     beast. In our digital age, it   the best and possibly trample another in our   The mentor/mentee relationship is a two-way
                     is easy to feel connected to   way.  But, there is better way. A better way to   street. A mentorship bond can benefit both
                     other people’s lives and what   provide our clients with the utmost professional   parties equally and simultaneously. Usually,
        Mthey  are up  to. However,         representation. To advocate for a legal stance   the mentor is the one with experience,
        more often than not you don’t feel close   without entrapping our souls into aggregate   contacts, and career success. They can bring
        enough to someone who will advocate for you;   muck. Think back to the time you started   to the table a level of expertise and confidence
        someone who will give you tough talks and   your first job after law school. How many life   in the courtroom and/or prowess that an
        motivation when the chips are down, someone   lessons did you learn in the first year? That first   inexperienced attorney may not have yet.
        who will look out for opportunities you may not   month? That first day? It’s not hard to look back   Mentees may to be eager to cultivate their
        recognize within yourself. Why is that?  at your past self and think, I wish I would have   skills and enthusiastic to grow as a person
                                            known x,y, and z. Why didn’t someone tell me?   from the leadership of their mentor. Usually,
        A better way to do business         Hindsight is always 20/20 and I bet when you   for a newly licensed attorney, a mentorship
        As attorneys, we have been trained since law   reflect on the past, you can imagine the help   is a great way to gain connections along with
        school to embolden our type A personalities,   of another person transforming how you do   direction for their career.
        sometimes even earlier than that.  We aim to   business. Whether that be through networking,   Mentors have everything to gain by taking
        gain the coveted high A in a class, have the best   moral support or professional mirroring.  That   another under their wing. Imagine that your
        exam notes, gain the best internship. There is   person, that mentor in your life, if you were   livelihood has been spent on improving
        not a lot of incentive for teamwork. Once that   lucky to have one, made a difference for you,   an area of the law or by creating the type
        dog-eat-dog mentality is enhanced, we are   shaped how you do business today.  of practice where clients can rely on your

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