Page 36 - 2018 October Bar Journal
P. 36

BarJournal                   ENVIRONMENTAL LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEaTUrE     Examples of Chemical regulations

                        applicable to U.S. Companies

                                                                                              BY JOHN A. HEER

                ome  of you might have noticed an   The upcoming deadline (which will be a past   • •Maryland – a) bans the sale of mattresses,
                uptick lately in the area of chemical   deadline  by  the  time  you read  this)  requires   residential upholstered furniture and
                regulations applicable to products   a substantive change in the information   electronic equipment containing decaBDE,
                in the United States. By chemical   required to be included in the warnings. By   b) bans the sale of all products containing
        Sregulations, I mean state and federal   Aug.  30,  2018,  businesses  whose  products   flame retardants pentaBDE and octaBDE,
        legislation as well as international regulations   contain one or more of the 900-plus listed   and c) bans  TDCPP and TCEP  from
        which apply to American companies doing   chemicals in certain amounts must identify   children’s products sold in the state.
        business worldwide. For example, California’s   the chemical or provide specific information   • •Michigan – bans products containing more
        infamous Proposition 65 is particularly hot   about how a person may be exposed or ways   than 0.1 percent of flame retardant pentaDBE.
        right  now  because  of  an  upcoming  deadline   to reduce or eliminate exposure to it. The new   • •Minnesota – bans products containing
        for new rules for labeling and warning about   amendments change the safe harbor warnings   flame retardants pentaDBE or octaBDE,
        chemicals in products in California. Clients have   which are deemed to comply with the law in   and bans other specific flame retardants
        been reaching out to me about these new Prop   several important ways. For example, the new   from children’s products, mattresses and
        65 rules. Speaking of “reaching” out, a number   warnings for consumer products will say the   residential upholstered furniture.
        of clients have been requesting assistance with   product “can expose you to” a Prop 65 chemical   • •New York – a) prohibits the use of pentaDBE
        REACH, one of the European Union’s regulations   rather than saying the product “contains” the   and octoBDE in any consumer product,
        of chemicals. Because these are hot topics among   chemical. The warnings will also include:  b) bans the sale of children’s products
        environmental lawyers, I will touch on a few here   • •The name of at least one listed chemical that   containing TCEP, and c) bans TDCPP in
        to bring awareness about what rules might be out   prompted the warning.  children’s products marketed for children
        there and possibly applicable to what you and   • •The internet address for California’s new Prop   age three and younger.
        your company might do.                65 warnings website, www.P65Warnings.  • •Oregon – bans products containing
          First, let me describe California’s “Prop                    pentaDBE, octaBDE or decaBDE.
        65.”  Proposition 65, officially known as the   • •A triangular yellow warning symbol on most   • •Rhode Island – restricts the manufacturing
        Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement   warnings.                    and distribution of products containing
        Act of 1986, was enacted as a California ballot   Prop 65 is only one example of a state   pentaBDE or octaBDE.
        initiative in November, 1986. The proposition   regulation  on  chemicals  which  could  have   • •Vermont – a) bans flame retardants
        tries to protect the state’s drinking water   far-reaching impact beyond the borders of   octaBDE and pentaBDE from all products,
        sources from being contaminated with   California. Some states have targeted specific   b) bans the sale of mattresses and furniture
        chemicals known to  cause  cancer, birth   groups of chemicals. By 2017, 11 states had   containing decaBDE, and c) bans TCEP
        defects or other reproductive harm, and   enacted legislation banning or restricting certain   and  TDCPP  from  children’s  products  and
        requires businesses to inform Californians   flame  retardants  in  products  sold  within  their   furniture.
        about exposures to such chemicals. Prop   borders:                       These are just examples of how variable
        65 requires warnings about significant   • •California – bans products containing more   the requirements are from state to state in the
        exposures to chemicals which can be in   than 0.1 percent of the flame retardants   United States.
        the products Californians purchase, have   pentaDBE or octaBDE by mass and requires   The principal “federal”  regulation of
        in their homes or workplaces, or that are   that products sold within the state warn   chemicals is the Toxic Substances Control Act,
        released into the environment. By requiring   whether  they  contain  any  added  flame   most recently amended in 2016. The Toxic
        this information to be provided, Prop 65   retardants.                 Substances Control Act (TSCA) provides the
        supposedly enables Californians to make   • •Hawaii  – bans  products containing  more   Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with
        informed decisions about their exposures to   than 0.1 percent = of the flame retardants   authority to require reporting, record-keeping
        these chemicals. Prop 65 requires California   pentaDBE or octaBDE.    and testing requirements, and restrictions
        to publish a list of chemicals known to cause   • •Illinois – bans products containing more than   relating to chemical substances and/or
        cancer, birth defects or other reproductive   0.1 percent of the flame retardants pentaDBE   mixtures. Certain substances are generally
        harm.  This  list,  which  must  be  updated   or octaBDE and restricts the use of decaBDE.  excluded from TSCA, such as food, drugs,
        at least once a year, has grown to include   • •Maine – bans products containing added   cosmetics and pesticides. TSCA addresses the
        approximately 900 chemicals.          brominated flame retardants.     production, importation, use, and disposal of
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