Page 35 - 2018 October Bar Journal
P. 35

expertise. When you’re sick, or life events   frightening to offer
            happen, who can best support you? Who   an opinion and tell
            will pick up where you left off? Mentors   someone the truth
            leave a legacy, and they do that by training   they need to hear.
            their successors. Those who are touched by   That’s where a true
            a remarkable mentor live on and embody   champion is needed
            future generations of attorneys who pass on   for attorneys. That
            their  knowledge  and wisdom.  Those  who   truth is required. I’m
            make their mark by imprinting on others   not talking about
            never cease to create inspiration.   something  simple
                                               like a trivial mistake;
            Female empowerment                 human error is a part
            Mentorship is particularly important for   of the legal process
            women. In modern day, there is an exceptional   and a part of being
            standard of expectation for females. Not only   human. But watching
            are you managing your household, while   another go down  a
            breaking glass ceilings in the workforce, but   path of mistakes is a
            you may have loved one(s) to care for after   totally different story.
            the day is complete. None of that includes the   Champions speak up
            small amount of time you may have to spend   and speak wisely.
            on yourself. How beneficial would it be to   Be the person you
            have someone who could give you advice on   wished  you  had in
            how to manage a healthy work/life balance?   your corner early in your career. When you   attorney is not only charged with seeking
            Give you tricks of their trade to make it look   happen to be on the receiving end of those   out another that they can relate to and help
            easy? Have a Tide wipe in their pocket when   practical narratives, be receptive, be open to   advocate for better practice and lifestyle
            you missed the oatmeal or spilled milk on   guidance. It may sting at first, but there can   changes, but each must remain open to
            your suit jacket? By championing for other   be a lesson in those words.   another reaching out to them with guidance.
            women, we can grow the number of females                               The law itself is a constantly mobile and ever-
            in  leadership  positions.  We  can  provide  a   A champion’s path    changing concept, regularly bringing to life
            support network for working mamas. By   Oprah Winfrey has said “where there is no   new ideas, growth and discussion. We should
            using encouragement of one another, in place   struggle, there is no strength.” Great champions   aim to be like the law, evolving as attorneys,
            of guardedness, we as professional women   have gone through struggles in their life. Not   and as people, along with assisting others in
            can all rise.                      only struggles but failures. Some have failed   that journey. Not a single attorney has all the
                                               on an extremely large scale. The difference   answers, and every attorney is continually in
            Replacing “mentor” with “champion”  between champions and the rest of the world,   need of developing their own kind of personal
            The term Mentorship has a formal, archaic   is that champions have transformed and   growth. It is our duty to each other to reach
            feel to it, especially when a relationship   grown through those struggles and failures,   out, or rather, seek out another and pull them
            like that is rarely formal in nature. In fact,   and in their own way, succeeded. Because,   up. Be someone’s champion.
            even “role model” sounds too much like a   behind every failure is an opportunity for
            “grown up” term. What young people, young   growth. Those champions who have gone
            attorneys in particular, need today, may not   through their own battles to obtain growth can   For the past 10 years, Kira Kittoe-
            fit the traditional mold of mentor, but that   coach others, leading them to obtain growth   Krivosh has dedicated her life to
            of a champion. Young attorneys must seek   as well.  I guarantee that the individuals who   public service and nonprofit work.
            out and be receptive to champions. Young   have  fallen  the  hardest,  and  gotten  back  up   She joined the Cuyahoga County
            attorneys  need someone  to  champion  for   repeatedly, have the best lessons to pass on to   Prosecutor’s Office as an Assistant
            them when they do the wrong thing, to   those who will listen.         Prosecuting Attorney in 2013, where she manages
            steer them in the right direction. They need   You see, being a champion doesn’t mean   the Bankruptcy Workgroup. In the past she has
            someone to champion their successes, to   helping another attorney to avoid their   worked for the City of Canton Law Department,
            advocate on their behalf and to promote   struggles, it’s offering support to ease   City of Garfield Heights Law Department and
            their best interests. Most importantly young   them through it. It’s a hand being offered   the Stark County Family Court. She is currently
            attorneys  need someone  to  champion the   during dark times. A calm voice during   the Board Vice President for the Citizen’s
            strengths others see in them, that they may   the turbulent times. A kind ear during   Committee for the Lakewood Animal Shelter,
            not see in themselves.             overwhelming times.                 the Board of Directors – Strategic Transformation
                                                                                   Director for the Junior League of Cleveland and
            Being receptive to a champion      Our duty to champion one another    she volunteers, along with her family, with other
            It can be hard to hear constructive criticism,   The reputational future of the legal profession   nonprofit organizations. She joined the CMBA
            let alone to give it. In our profession, it can be   depends  on  champions.  That  means  each   in 2017. She can be reached at (330) 268-9111.
            OctOber 2018                                                               Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 35
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