Page 21 - January 2019 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 21


                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

               SPOTlIGHT On: CyBEr SECUrITy, dATA PrIvACy

                                  & EMErGInG TECHnOlOGIES

                                The Future Awaits You!

              Enroll in the Newest CMBA Section

                                  BY CRAIG A. MARVINNEY & WILLIAM H. BERGLuND                                       COMMITTEE SPOTlIGHT

                  If you don’t like change, you really   vehicles to our streets via artificial   Cleveland area to these developments;
                  won’t  like  extinction!,”  declared   intelligence. Title companies contemplate   2) Foster, develop, and share knowledge
                  Beth Mooney, Chairman and CEO   converting chains of title to blockchains of   excellence and best practices at the highest
                  of KeyCorp with ATT Technology’s   immutable  permanence and transparency.   levels among lawyers already developing
            ‘‘CEO, John Donovan on stage      Insurers crunch massive amounts of data to   expertise in these areas; and 3) Work better
            at Cleveland’s December 2018 exciting   better predict risk and assess costs. Machine   with clients and communities to educate the
            Blockland Solutions Conference. The truth   bias skews facial recognition programming.  corporate and individual citizens of Greater
            of Bob Dylan’s refrain “The Times They Are   Our profession is being swept into this   Cleveland in the law applicable to these areas
            A-Changin’” is now.               swiftly changing tempest. We lawyers are   as these economies and industries develop.
              As Dylan wrote those 1963 lyrics, the word   asked to develop regulations, standards, case   Be informed, learn, and share ideas as
            “cybersecurity” was decades away from first   law, and warnings as clients pull us deeper   this new section organizes into one of the
            use. Artificial  Intelligence  became a 1968   into practice areas that did not exist five or   CMBA’s most active and vibrant sections.
            SciFi  catch phrase from  Stanley Kubrick’s   ten years ago. Every lawyer today, no matter   Watch for and attend our upcoming monthly
            epic “2001: A Space Odyssey” film as the   what their practice area  must keep abreast   programs and meetings. Be available as
            computer HAL took over an interplanetary   of these constantly developing concepts and   a speaker or writer to meet needs and
            spacecraft. ‘Blockchain’ was a word mistaken   vocabularies to assist their clients. Entire   demands. Join us by emailing Bill and/or me
            in high school physics classes in block &   communities beckon lawyers to educate   at and
            tackle rope lifting problems. On February 27,   them on these latest and newest technologies, respectively.
            1995, Newsweek magazine featured frequent   and related rules while other communities
            contributor Clifford Stoll, Ph.D., addressing   seek us to develop the very laws being taught.
            a visionary future of “telecommuting   Our Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association   Craig Marvinney is a partner with Walter |
            workers, interactive libraries and multimedia   is addressing this growth head on. Unique   Haverfield whose practice is focused in Intellectual
            classrooms,” “electronic town meetings and   in Ohio, and almost alone among local bar   Property, Medical Device, Product Liability and
            virtual communities” where “commerce and   associations throughout the United States,   Insurance Litigation as well as areas of Cyber
            business  will  shift  from  offices  and  malls   the CMBA formed this new section of law,   Security and Emerging Technologies. Bill Berglund
            to networks and modems.”  Stoll strongly   the Cyber Security, Data Privacy & Emerging   is counsel with Tucker Ellis whose practice
            dismissed this: “Baloney!”        Technologies Section, asking us to co-chair   focuses on Medical Privacy, Data Security, and
              And yet today, here we are. Data is a   and develop it for the good of the bar and   Compliance, Class Actions, and Complex Medical
            currency of the 21  Century. The Internet   our community. Over the last two months,   Device and Product Liability Litigation. Together
            of Things sends heartbeat data from   our section sponsored or co-sponsored well   they co-chair the CMBA Cyber Security, Data
            wristwatches to cardiologists. Municipalities,   attended and excellent programs such as   Privacy & Emerging Technologies Section.
            service providers, and retailers keep   “Blockchain, IoT and AI, Oh My!”, and “Are the
            Personally  Identifiable  Information  Russians Really Our Friends?,” a discussion of   GET EnGAGEd!
            regarding taxpayers and customers, thereby   investigation and impact of recent newsworthy
            constantly  suffering  the  consequences  of   hacks. BusinessTech 2018, and Blockland   For information on how to join
            major hacks, phishing and malware that steal   Solutions and the Legal Node for Blockland   a section or committee, contact
            this PII, converting it to nefarious purposes.   Cleveland have all seen our burgeoning impact.   Samantha Pringle at (216) 696-3525 x
            Deep  machine learning and virtual neural   Three points of focus for this new section   2008 or
            networks of computers bring autonomous   are: 1) Educate lawyers in the Greater
            January 2019                                                               Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 21
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