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BarJournal                   CRIMINAL LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEATUrE     fCPA Enforcement Trends

                   To Disclose or Not to Disclose, That Is the Question.

                    DOJ Has Created Several Incentives for Companies

                                      to Answer in the Affirmative.

                                                             BY ADAM HOLLINGSWORTH & VANESSA HEALY

                   he U.S. Department of Justice   In 2016, DOJ created an FCPA Enforcement   •  Involvement by management in the
                   (DOJ) has taken repeated steps   Pilot Program (Pilot Program) to encourage   misconduct;
                   to encourage companies to   voluntary self-disclosure, cooperation, and   •  Significant profit from the misconduct;
                   suffer the slings and arrows of   remediation by companies that suspected   •  Pervasive misconduct within the company; and
        T its enforcement of the Foreign    FCPA violations. The Pilot Program applied to   •  Criminal recidivism.
        Corrupt  Practices Act  (FCPA)  by making   all FCPA actions that occurred during its one-  If the presumption of declination
        the suffering of those who self-disclose their   year trial period. The benefits of self-disclosure   is rebutted, but the company has fully
        transgressions less severe. DOJ has provided   under the Pilot Program included the possibility   cooperated and remediated, DOJ will still
        a measure of transparency, predictability,   DOJ would decline criminal charges,  up  to a   recommend the full 50% reduction in
        and  leniency not  generally associated  with   50% reduction in criminal fines, and a chance   fines, and will generally not require the
        government enforcement. In exchange, the   to avoid the imposition of a corporate monitor,   appointment of a corporate monitor. The
        government has saved valuable resources and   a costly and burdensome remedy. In order to   Enforcement Policy even has something for
        learned about foreign bribery that may well   qualify, DOJ required a company to voluntarily   companies that fail to voluntarily disclose,
        have remained hidden from the disinfecting   self-disclose its FCPA-related misconduct,   but later fully cooperate and remediate,
        effects of sunlight.                fully cooperate with DOJ, remediate flaws in   providing up to a 25% reduction in fines to
          By way of background, the FCPA prohibits   its compliance programs, and disgorge all ill-  reward their belated cooperation.
        offering or providing anything of value to a   gotten profits. The carrots offered by DOJ,   Although DOJ has promulgated memos
        foreign official to obtain or retain business   therefore, were subject to a considerable amount   and guidance on this topic over the years,
        or an improper advantage. Congress   of prosecutorial discretion, while its stick was   the Enforcement Policy is the most concrete
        intended to punish and deter foreign bribery   still certain to strike a firm blow after disclosure,   direction provided to companies about
        to level the playing field for American   reducing the actual incentive to self-disclose.  FCPA self-disclosure and cooperation.
        companies operating in foreign countries.   Rather than letting the Pilot Program expire   The  Enforcement  Policy  is  now  officially
        The FCPA also requires covered businesses   after a year, DOJ made its core principles   part of the Justice Manual, the playbook
        to keep accurate books and records. The   permanent while removing some of the   for  federal prosecutors  previously known
        requirement for financial transparency   uncertainty about the benefits of disclosure.   as the U.S. Attorney’s Manual. In May
        ensures that a company cannot hide corrupt   In November 2017, Deputy Attorney General   2018, DOJ issued its first corporate
        payments with impunity.             Rod Rosenstein announced the DOJ’s FCPA   declination  under  the  Enforcement
          The DOJ and SEC continue to devote   Corporate Enforcement Policy (Enforcement   Policy in declining to prosecute Dunn &
        significant resources to FCPA investigations   Policy). The Enforcement Policy built upon the   Bradstreet for failing to accurately record
        and prosecutions. In Fiscal Year 2018, the   Pilot Program by providing greater certainty   improper payments made in China on its
        DOJ FCPA Unit announced eight corporate   and predictability to the process to further   books and records because the company
        resolutions totaling more than $900   incentivize companies to self-disclose FCPA   satisfied the “rigorous requirements” of
        million  in fines,  penalties, and  forfeitures.   violations. Most significantly, the Enforcement   the Enforcement Policy. DOJ has since
        Additionally, FCPA prosecutors brought   Policy  created  a  presumption  that DOJ   issued 10 declinations based on similar
        charges against more than 30 individuals. The   will  decline to  take  enforcement  action   factors, including:
        U.S. has enjoyed closer collaboration between   against  a  company  that  (i)  voluntarily  self-  •  Identifying misconduct and promptly and
        its enforcement authorities and their foreign   discloses suspected FCPA violations; (ii) fully   voluntarily self-disclosing to DOJ;
        counterparts, which has led to increased anti-  cooperates with the  DOJ investigation; (iii)   •  Undertaking  a  thorough  internal
        corruption enforcement activity around the   performs timely and appropriate remediation;   investigation;
        world, particularly in Brazil. This vigorous   and (iv) pays all disgorgement, forfeiture, and/  •  Cooperating  fully  with  DOJ,  including
        enforcement environment has been enhanced   or restitution resulting from the misconduct.   providing  all  facts  relating  to  the
        by deliberate policy choices at DOJ to   The  presumption  of  declination,  misconduct, making current and former
        increase the number and quality of company   however, can  be  rebutted by “aggravating   employees available for interviews, and
        FCPA self-disclosures.              circumstances,” including:           translating documents;
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