Page 37 - January 2019 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 37

Generally, for actus reus to be met the action   determining whether there is a need to reveal
            done  by  the  actor  must be  voluntary.  Due to   the AI proprietary information or algorithm.      The law firm
            the current limitations of AI, AI is unable to act   Under current laws, AI may find some      of Solomon,
            voluntarily beyond the confines of the algorithm   protection under patent law; however, patent      Steiner & Peck,
            that the creator designed. Furthermore, AI at this   law is not a complete defense because of some
            current stage does not have the cognitive ability   of the underlying technology used in AI like      Ltd. is excited
            to recognize the requisite mental state required   data compilations. However, AI can be easily      to announce
            under most state laws.             protected under federal and state law as a trade      that Attorney
              Due to this, courts and prosecutors must   secret. In general AI meets the requirements of
            focus their attention on holding the AI   a trade secret because the AI is an economically   Todd Bartimole will be joining
            creator and the AI user accountable for the   valuable secret. For the AI system to be   the firm as a new partner.
            actions of the AI. By doing this, courts and   protected as a trade secret reasonable measures   His practice areas include
            prosecutors can still apply the traditional   must be taken to ensure secrecy is maintained.   elder law, estate planning,
            model of criminal liability and treat the   General counsels for companies working
            AI as the tool of the creator or the user.   on AI must ensure that reasonable measures   and disability/special
            However, as AI becomes more intelligent,   are put in place to protect the AI as a trade   needs planning.
            courts and prosecutors may need to change   secret. For those trying to seek admission
            the traditional model of criminal liability to   or discovery of the AI algorithm need to   Contact us to speak with
            encompass AI that acts beyond the intention   inform the courts on the importance of   Todd about your needs.
            of the users or the creator.       understanding how the algorithm works and
                                               having the underlying data.
            The AI Court: a Trade Secret
            In 2013, Eric Loomis was arrested by officers in   The AI Employer
            Wisconsin on charges of being the driver in a   In  2014,  Amazon  began  to  build  an  AI
            drive-by shooting. Mr. Loomis took a plea deal   system that specialized in reviewing
            that convicted him of two minor crimes, which   resumes. The system was built using natural   6105 Parkland Boulevard, Suite 140
            led him to a six-year prison sentence based on   language processing, which allowed the AI   Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124
            the court finding Mr. Loomis was a risk to the   to understand language as it is spoken by   216.765.0123
            community. In making the decision, the court   humans. The AI system was also provided
            relied in part on a score from COMPAS, a   10  years  worth  of  resumes  to  aid  the  AI  to
            weak AI system that creates an assessment of   recognize key patterns in resumes that would
            whether the person is predicted to recidivate   weed  out  weak  candidates.  However,  after   in the future including determining liability for
            based on comparing data and information of   only  a  year,  Amazon  stopped  using  the  AI.   autonomous vehicle accidents, ownership and
            people in similar data groups.     Amazon found that the system had trained   licensing works of art and literature created by
              Mr. Loomis appealed the court’s decision   itself to weed out women and prefer men   AI, and the constitutionality of using digital
            to use COMPAS all the way to the Supreme   despite qualifications.     AI avatars as lie detectors. As AI technology
            Court of Wisconsin. In  State v. Loomis, 881   The flaw in Amazon’s AI was how the system   continues to advance and reach into every
            N.W.2d  749  (2016), Mr.  Loomis  argued  that   was trained to spot patterns. Specifically, the   aspect of our life, so too will AI continue to
            using COMPAS violated his due process rights.   resumes that the AI was given to rely upon in   infiltrate the law. As AI becomes intertwined
            Mr.  Loomis  asserted  that  he  was  unable  to   seeking good candidates heavily favored men.   with the law, attorneys on both sides, civil and
            verify the accuracy of his sentencing because                          criminal, will need to be prepared to handle
            COMPAS’s algorithm is held as proprietary   Current Laws and the Future for AI the   the issues that AI will create. Attorneys should
            information. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin   Employer                 not fear this technology, but should embrace it
            did not agree with Mr. Loomis, holding that   Under  Federal  Law,  an  employer  cannot   and the new opportunities that lay ahead.
            courts  could  rely  on COMPAS  as  a part of   discriminate in the hiring process, thus
            the risk assessment. The Supreme Court was   consideration of a person’s race, religion,
            satisfied that Mr. Loomis was able to verify   gender, etc. is not allowed. Because AI systems,   Alexandra (Ali) N. Nienaber is an
            the  accuracy  of  COMPAS’s  report  because   like  Amazon’s  can  make  decisions  that   associate at Koehler Fitzgerald LLC,
            COMPAS provided a brief sheet on how the   clearly violate the law, the general counsel of   where she works on commercial
            questions were evaluated.          companies using the AI systems need to be on   litigation and Out-of-Network defense.
                                               alert. General counsels should be evaluating   She is a graduate of Michigan State
            Current Laws and the Future for  the AI   the technology and ensuring that the results   University College of Law. Before joining Koehler
            Court: a Trade Secret              are legal and non-discriminatory.   Fitzgerald LLC, Ali was the Legal Innovation Counsel
            COMPAS   was   considered  proprietary                                 for Michigan State University College of Law’s
            information by Wisconsin Supreme Court.   THE fUTUrE Of AI And THE lAW  LegalRnD program. She has been a CMBA member
            However, COMPAS is one example of how   The complexities of AI are already reaching our   since 2017. She can be reached at (216)539-9370,
            courts  are  evaluating  AI  technology  and   courts and AI is sure to present more legal issues, or @AliNNienaber.
            January 2019                                                               Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 37
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