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            and valuations and considers the distribution of   •  Draw straws to determine selection order. Straws   Trusts & Estates. The author takes sole responsibility
            tangible personal property.          can be re-drawn with each selection round. Once   for the views expressed herein and these view do
             A first question is whether the remaining   an order of selection has been fixed, and the first   not necessarily reflect the views of the author’s
            tangible personal property has individual   round completed, the second person begins round   employer or any other organization, group or
            appraisal values or is, instead, grouped together   two; the third person begins round three; and   individual. This material has been prepared for
            as “miscellaneous household furnishings.” If the   so forth until all the assets have been dispersed.   general informational purposes only, and is not
            former, then a consideration in dividing up the   •  Hold a family auction. Using play money   intended to provide, and should not be relied on
            assets will be to reconcile the piles so each heir   subject to an agreed upon budget, heirs bid for   for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Readers should
            receives assets of an equal value. If the latter, then   each object, with the highest bidder winning.   consult their own tax, legal and accounting advisors
            it’s not a factor for legal purposes, although heirs   The auction can be live or silent. Heirs can   to seek advice on individual circumstances.
            may perceive it to be a matter of equity or fairness.  agree to trade or swap items once the process
             Next is the all-important question of how the   has been completed.
            heirs will choose select items. In the experience of   The best outcome for all — heirs, clients and   Leigh H. Carter is a Wealth Advisor
            most advisors and executors, there will be items   even advisors — is when a family appreciates their   in Glenmede’s Ohio office. With more
            wanted by all. The items may have monetary value   legacy, preserves the memories, successfully divides   than 30 years of experience, he is
            or may be of sentimental value; nevertheless, they   up the non-titled property and maintains their   responsible for providing thoughtful
            will be deemed “priceless.” Families have in the   relationships for years to come. Advisors generally   wealth management advice, solutions
            past found the following methods useful:  don’t train for this “soft” side of working with   for fiduciary, charitable, financial, and wealth
            •  Heirs make a list of preferred items and an   families, but it’s intrinsic to our role, and positive   transfer planning, and trust and account
             objective, outside party reconciles the lists.   client experiences will enhance our practices.    administration. An active member of the Cleveland
             Some families coordinate their lists with                             charitable community, Mr. Carter received his Juris
             relative ease. For others, the third party may                        Doctor from Case Western Reserve University and
             need to sponsor brokering, negotiations,   This article is adapted from previously published   earned a Bachelor of Science degree in economics
             bartering or, as was the case in one instance,   work by the author’s colleagues, including Planning   from Boston University. He has been a member
             threaten to sell the items if the family can’t   for the Distribution of Non-Financial Assets by Lee   since 2018. He can be reached at (216) 514-7873
             reach agreement.                  Miller, which appeared in the July 2013 issue of   or at

                                                                                   FRANKLIN A. POLK
                                                                                   PUBLIC SERVANTS

                                                                     ANNUAL        MERIT AWARDS
                                                                   The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation presents

                                                                                  FRANKLIN A. POLK
                                                                                  PUBLIC SERVANTS

                                                                    ANNUAL        MERIT AWARDS

                                                                   Friday, September 6, 2019
                                                                                  The Westin Cleveland Downtown
                                                                                             777 St . Clair Avenue
                                                                                            Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                                                     FRANKLIN A. POLK
                                                                                     PUBLIC SERVANTS
                                                                                      MERIT AWARDS

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