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BarJournal                   FEATuRE

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      ExTra          a Solution to access to Justice:

                           Pro Bono Requirement for

                          Admission to the Ohio Bar

                                                 BY MARK M. MIKHAIEL

             Each day, Ohioans require legal   “Access to justice” is a phrase often used   fees. Further, without a lawyer to assist the
             assistance to secure basic needs such   within bar associations, legal aid societies,   business  owner,  she  may  be  outmatched  in
             as housing, education, employment,   and nonprofit organizations to refer to an   any  efforts  to  negotiate.  Litigators  often  do
             health care, and personal and family   individual’s ability to obtain a remedy for a   not start negotiating at a reasonable place;
       ‘‘safety. Many persons of limited means   grievance, usually through a formal judicial   rather they start at what many would consider
        are unable to afford such assistance, and   process. Certainly, there are several obvious   unreasonably  high  or  low  dollars  and  work
        legal aid programs must concentrate limited   barriers to justice: some financial, geographic,   from there. For many business owners, this is
        resources on those matters where the needs   logistical or linguistic, to name a few. As   impractical and immediately puts them in an
        are most critical.”  This is the introductory   attorneys, we intrinsically accept that all   inferior position to the well-represented side.
        sentence of the Supreme Court of Ohio’s   Ohioans should have access to fair, transparent,   Is there a remedy to ensure that not only
        statement on Pro Bono Legal Services in   effective, non-discriminatory and accountable   indigent individuals have access to adequate
        September 2007 and is as relevant today as it   legal services. But one of the major obstacles   representation, but also individuals of modest
        was then.                           in accessing justice is the cost of legal services.   means, like our business owner? Based on the
                                              We have heard examples of the indigent single   model that the state of New York has adopted,
                                            mother being wrongfully evicted by the slumlord,   I propose that Ohio consider mandating that,
                                            whose recourse is to contact and be helped by legal   as a prerequisite to full admission to the bar,
                                            aid. But a different example, rarely discussed, is a   every applicant is to perform at least 50 hours
                                            small business owner who would like to advance   of pro bono legal services within the first two
                                            a breach of  contract allegation against a  large   years of legal practice. If all newly licensed
                                            company with vast resources. To the business   lawyers were required to do this service, their
                                            owner, the likely costs of legal services will often   employers would acknowledge their service,
                                            intimidate and outweigh the value of the case.   and the service would not be so onerous over a
                                              How then can the small business owner   two year span as to add to personal debt. What
                                            prosecute the case? The obvious answer is that   a wonderful way for a new lawyer to gain client
                                            the small business owner retains an attorney   experience while helping with legal services
                                            on a contingency basis. However, let us assume   for those lacking sufficient resources.
                                            she is not prosecuting the case, but defending   Many experienced lawyers engage in pro
                                            a breach of contract allegation by the large   bono work on a weekly basis (when a client
                                            company and its near-unlimited resources?   does not pay).  Why would we handcuff a new
                                            Since an Ohio corporation or other business   law graduate saddled with significant debt?
                                            can only maintain litigation or appear in court   The benefits would outweigh the costs over
                                            through an attorney, the small business owner   the course of his/her career. Going back to the
                                            must retain an attorney. What if the small   example of the small business owner and her
            OVER 25 YEARS OF                                                   battle against the large company, what is she to
            PERSONAL INJURY,                business owner does not have the resources
                                            to  retain  an  attorney  at  $175/hour?  Failing   do? To the extent new Ohio law graduates can
                                            to retain an attorney may result in many   give 50 hours to assist, whether on a part-time or
            AND AUTO / TRUCKING             negative consequences with the court: the   full-time basis, it can only be considered a plus.
            CASES                           failure to answer the complaint (which only   My own experience is a great example.
                                            a lawyer can do) may result in the opposing   Back in 2015, about a year after I was
                                                                               admitted to the Ohio bar, I was asked by a
            216.223.7535                    party moving for default judgment; assuming   church to assist it navigating the complex
                                            default judgment does not occur, the failure to
            ROBENALTLAW.COM                 respond to discovery may result in significant   world of zoning appeals (at least complex
                                                                               to me, having never handled one). Basically,
                                            sanctions, such as an order compelling the
                                            party to respond, and/or to pay attorneys’   the church intended to expand and as part
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