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BarJournal                   ESTATE PLANNING

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      FEaTUrE         and Preserving Neighborhoods
                              Closing the Wealth Gap

                                  with Estate Planning

                                                 BY MATTHEW P. YOuRKVITCH & CATHERINE R. DONNELLY

                    any consider Estate Planning to   $0.20 of wealth. (Thomas Shapiro, et al., The Roots   fix it up. It languished in this condition for several
                    be of value only to those with   of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap: Explaining the   years and was the target of vandals and criminals,
                    large estates.  But Estate Planning   Black-White Economic Divide, Institute on Assets   which made it less attractive for the family members
                    can bring benefits to families of   and Social Policy (February 2013).)  Effective Estate   to address it.
        M all means, while its absence can   Planning may be as much a matter of racial equity   The children allowed a relative to live in the
        accelerate neighborhood blight. Larger value estates   as reducing wealth disparities.  property (typically rent free) but never took the
        create their own incentive for families to get help   Estate planning can mean that future generations   legal steps necessary to transfer the title. The
        both with planning and probate.  But for small   may not have to start from scratch and can benefit   lack of interest and investment in the property
        estates, families often feel estate planning isn’t worth   from the wealth creation of their parents and   led to tax delinquency and the property rapidly
        it.  Then, after Grandma or Grandpa passes, probate   grandparents, by reaping the benefits of inheritance.   decreased in value.  Without title, the relative
        seems too complicated and expensive.  According to   For many lower income families, not only does no   living there was unable to obtain financing or
        the Gallup polling service, while 55% of Americans   wealth transfer between generations but rather,   grants to make repairs. The family members,
        with household incomes above $75,000 have wills,   often, liabilities pass instead.  lacking time and energy to clear the title, let the
        only 31% of those with incomes under $30,000 do.    Home ownership makes up the largest piece   property become abandoned.  The surrounding
        (Jeffrey M. Jones, Majority in U.S. Do Not Have a   of most Americans’ wealth. (Matteo Iacoviello,   neighborhood meanwhile found itself dragged
        Will, Gallup (May 18, 2018)  Housing Wealth and Consumption, Federal   down by this deteriorating asset.  But with no one to
        com/poll/191651/majority-not.aspx.) The gap is   Reserve Board (August 2, 2011).) Passing on the   take action against, the neighborhood community
        starker between white and minority families.  Only   family home means passing on not just wealth   development corporation must wait until either the
        28% of nonwhite adults have wills as compared to   but also memories and stability.  But where estate   County initiates a tax foreclosure, or the Municipal
        51% of white adults.  (Id).         planning has been neglected, a family home may   government brings legal action for criminal code
          By bringing cost-effective Estate Planning to   go from a source of pride to a millstone. What were   violations. Obtaining clear legal title in the name of
        low-income and minority communities, attorneys   once thriving homes become ghost properties, with   a single party who desires to address the properties
        and estate professionals can help families with small   no clear owner.  For families, the lack of clear title   status would require consolidating the property
        estates preserve assets.  Preserving assets in families   can mean having the liabilities of homeownership   interests among multiple siblings, who at times
        helps build intergenerational wealth. While fewer   without the benefits.  For neighborhoods, these   live in multiple states.
        adults in disadvantaged homes have wills, the wealth   ghost properties can be devastating, as a home   In the instance of the Blue home, Yourkvitch &
        gap has been growing.  According to the Urban   without a title owner can’t readily be sold and put   Dibo assisted the local community development
        Institute, wealth disparities between income groups   back into productive use.  Often, the only recourse   corporation with bringing a nuisance abatement
        are as much as three times greater than the income   for a neighborhood is to wait until taxes pile up   action, which often leads to a receiver’s lien
        disparities.  (Serena Lei, Nine Charts about Wealth   and the property is foreclosed on.  By that time, it   and foreclosure, thus clearing title.  While such
        Inequality in America, Urban Institute (October 5,   may be too late to save the structure, and a piece of   actions can help resolve blight, they do nothing to
        2017)  Over the last 50 years,   the neighborhood’s history disappears into rubble.  salvage the wealth lost by families like the Blues.
        families in the bottom 10th percentile of wealth have   The Blue family (not their real name) lost   Many nonprofits and community development
        fallen from simply having no wealth on average   generations of both wealth and memories through   corporations are already focused on increasing
        to being $1,000 in debt, while families in the 99th   a lack of estate planning.  Mrs. Blue proudly raised   homeownership as a tool to improve wealth
        percentile have seen their wealth grow sevenfold.   her family in a beautiful historic home.  During   disparities. However, when those same families
        (Id.). Likewise, white families on average have five to   Mrs. Blue’s lifetime, the home was the center of   fail to plan, this increased wealth may not transfer
        seven times the wealth growth of minority families.    the family’s universe, as all major family events   to future generations.
        (Id.) White families are five times more likely to   took place there. Mrs. Blue took great pride in   Planning ahead can help families pass on property
        receive an inheritance than African-American   being a home owner and took excellent care of her   while avoiding probate and the concomitant costs.
        families. (Id.) Meanwhile, one study found that   home, but as she grew older, she deferred routine   The Transfer on Death Designation Affidavit is
        white families more readily built wealth from an   maintenance. As Mrs. Blue’s health declined, she   an excellent example.  It allows a homeowner to
        inheritance, with every inherited dollar contributing   was placed in a nursing home. The children’s careers   designate who will take title on her death and
        to $0.91 of wealth.  Among African-American   had taken them far away; they had no use for the   to record that designation.  The title can then be
        families, the same inherited dollar yielded only   property.  It sat vacant, with no one to clean it out or   transferred outside of probate. Completing the
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