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ExTra Networking
its Role in Attorney Wellbeing
tephanie Hanna, Esq., founder of The BE conFIDEnT! BUILD nETworkInG InTo YoUr DaY.
Other 85, recently spoke to the Ohio Networking events can be more awkward than If you want to build your client base, get
Lawyers Assistance Program Board meeting the parents, but if you remain confident referrals, establish your brand and be a better
about the importance of networking in your approach, the event will be an enjoyable professional, networking is required. But when
Sand its role in the overall well-being of and beneficial experience. you’re already busting your tail to do your
attorneys. Building and maintaining relationships is job, be involved in your community, stay
a vital part of an attorney’s career — and the ability Be The Friendly Face. somewhat healthy, and maintain your personal
to form lasting connections with those around is Instead of looking for the friendly face, get relationships, networking often falls to the
a skill that pays off professionally and personally. comfortable BEING the friendly face. Look bottom of the list. Here are three easy ways
If you find yourself struggling with the art of for the person standing alone and strike up a to make networking part of your routine.
networking, follow these tips. conversation or invite them to join your group.
This tactic instantly takes the pressure off and Networking can happen anywhere.
SHIFT YoUr MInDSET. gives you something to focus on if approaching Approach the people you are already
Shifting your mindset before getting into the others makes you uncomfortable. interacting with as opportunities to build
strategies of networking makes a huge difference. networking relationships. Say hello to the
Have a List of Prepared Topics. person in the elevator, strike up a conversation
Think: GIVER not a TAKER Develop a list of topics to talk about and with another parent at your kid’s basketball
Instead of approaching networking as looking to think about your answers to these questions. game, make a friend at the gym. It may sound
receive something (e.g., a job, a client, more business), Think of your favorite podcasts, vacations, insignificant, but one of the biggest mistakes
try thinking about things you can give (e.g., a and books ahead of time so you’re prepared to people make when networking is turning
connection, book recommendation, a resource). make recommendations, ask questions, and be it into something much harder than it is.
Consistently being on the hunt for something is an comfortable without fear of running out of things Just start connecting with the people already
uphill battle that leads to exhaustion, burnout, and to say. around you!
eventually abandonment.
When you are a giver, people want to help you Stay Upbeat. Do what works best for you.
in return. This is a social event, so keep it light and positive. Would 10 minutes a day or an hour once
Don’t complain about work, and never talk a week be best? Think about your current
Think: LONG TERM not SHORT SIGHTED negatively about other colleagues, clients, or routine and what makes the most sense. Often,
Relationships don’t just need to be built, they need to anyone. The world is much smaller than we think, we feel like we have to do what’s working for
be maintained. Look at networking as a long-term and you never know how others are connected. someone else because we think that’s our only
investment into your professional development. option. That’s the first way to turn yourself
This mindset shift helps you recognize the amount Make a Graceful Exit. off from a task! Think of the easiest way to
of work required to maintain relationships and that It can be awkward when having nothing else to build networking into your day, and build a
it is supposed to take time to nurture and develop talk about and attempting to make your exit. Know plan around that.
strong relationships. when to end it and have a few key phrases lined up.
“So glad we connected.” Or “It was great catching Schedule it.
Think: QUALITY not QUANTITY up. I have a few other people to catch up with.” Don’t forget to add networking into your
Instead of trying to meet every person at every event calendar. Schedule a recurring appointment to
you attend, focus on making connections with just Practice. write thank-you notes, to scour publications
a few people. This mindset shift makes networking Practice delivering a few rehearsed lines with for articles your contacts might like, or to look
less overwhelming, makes the goal attainable, and confidence. Whether it’s with someone you trust, for ways to congratulate colleagues on their
takes the pressure off. Consistently look for easy wins the mirror, or in the car on your way to the party, accomplishments. Spend the allotted time
by meeting one to three people each time you are taking the time to practice is one of the smartest focusing on these tasks, just as you would
being intentional about building new relationships. ways to invest in your professional development. anything else on your appointments list.
36 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal