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lEgal aId COrnEr
wITH CIvIl lEgal aId
Jennifer M . Kinsley
s the United States wages The decision to leave behind a substance to regain custody of minor children.
war on an opioid epidemic of choice and seek treatment is one that Given that this moment of clarity often
which has worsened signifies the start of a long and often repeated happens shortly after relocation and
each year for the last 11 journey towards sobriety. The first step is disconnection from social supports, it
A years, those in the legal often an assessment, which is followed by can be an immensely challenging time for
profession should consider how civil decisions about treatment options that that individual. If stress is a motivator for
legal services can contribute to overall may include relocation to sober living or substance use, it is instantly apparent why
solutions. Ohio is among the top five states residential treatment facilities. A common relapse is so common. This presents a
with the highest rates of opioid related phrase in recovery draws the participant’s glaring opportunity for civil legal services
death in the United States. In Cuyahoga attention to the “people, places, and things” to intervene with legal check-ups, often
County, overdose deaths increased from in their life that are triggers to substance in the collaborative environment of a
370 total deaths in 2015 to 727 overdose use and learning to avoid them. This often medical legal partnership.
deaths in 2017 according to the Cuyahoga results in social isolation for those in Medical legal partnerships exist
County Opiate Task Force. In October recovery until they are able to build a new between a medical institution and a
of 2018, the Cuyahoga County Medical support system of sponsors, home groups, civil legal service provider, often a
Examiner’s Office estimated there will and individuals with whom they attend legal aid agency or law school clinic.
be a slight decrease to approximately 719 treatment programs. The original concept for medical legal
overdose deaths reported in 2018. This When the fog of addiction begins to partnerships was based upon a pediatric
decrease is likely attributed to Project clear, the patient in recovery is at some model wherein attorneys assisted
Dawn, a community-based program point forced to face the skeleton of their pediatricians by addressing housing
which provides overdose education and life that was likely shattered by substance conditions contributing to chronic
naloxone distribution. As naloxone helps use. This might mean bankruptcy respiratory problems in patients. More
to lower fatality rates countywide, more following numerous ambulance rides and recently, medical legal partnerships are
residents are entering community-based naloxone administrations, or a divorce popping up in the behavioral health
rehabilitation programs and residential following many years of mental and realm to address the looming opioid
treatment facilities. physical abuse by a partner, or fighting epidemic. In September of 2017, there
were four behavioral health medical legal
partnerships in the United States. 4
In October of 2017, the Legal Aid
Society of Cleveland partnered with
St. Vincent Charity Medical Center to
2019 Ohio Annual Agency Seminar ▪ April 4, 2019 ▪ 8 am to 4:15 pm develop a medical legal partnership
Embassy Suites Hotel - 5100 Upper Metro Place, Dublin, OH with the initial intention of serving the
Accreditation for 6.0 CLE (includes 1.0 hour of Ethics) on Real Estate and Title Insurance behavioral health population. While
related topics pending with the Ohio Supreme Court and Ohio Department of Insurance. the medical legal partnership has since
Limited seating. Cost is $200, includes Continental Breakfast & Lunch. Register by expanded, a large focus remains on
March 29th by sending name, address, phone # and check/money order
payable to Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, via mail to: Jeremy Clem, addiction medicine and those clients
6530 W. Campus Oval, Ste. 270, New Albany, OH 43054. For questions or to request involved with Rosary Hall, St. Vincent’s
Agenda, contact Jeremy Clem via email to: or call 614-341-1900. addiction treatment center.
Applying the same concept that worked
well for pediatrics to addiction medicine,
30 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal