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BarJournal                   COLuMN

       J UdgES COrnEr
                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015

                                            THE faCE Of THE COUrT

                                             Hon . John J . Russo

                      emember when you were   has allowed me to provide a forum for positive   years, the Court has hired more than 200 new
                      in school and the five years   change in the Court.  One of my goals was to   employees. That alone creates huge change.
                      between 8  grade and high   build a better sense of camaraderie among   New staff members have much to contribute
                      school graduation took forever?   the more than 500 employees of the General   through their educational experience,
            R It seems that the older we get,   Division. There are so many departments in the   enthusiasm and creative thinking.  When
            the faster the years go by.  (I know, you’ve heard   Court, each having a crucial role in our success.    these new employees arrive in departments,
            this before.)  I recently wrapped up my fifth   Many of these departments work somewhat   next to other employees who have worked for
            year as Administrative and Presiding Judge of   independently, and can therefore operate as   the Court for many years, the combination of
            the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas   their own islands in the Court — not a recipe   passion and existing institutional knowledge
            General Division. These years went by quickly.   for developing a spirit of togetherness.  I have   creates a truly exciting environment. I make
             As Administrative Judge I have tried to focus   tried to make every single person feel that her   sure  to  spend  a few  minutes  one-on-one
            on the individual, from our employees and   or his contribution is equal to the work of every   with each new employee to welcome them to
            judges, to the people we serve in our courtrooms   other employee. No single role is greater, or less,   the team and to hear their expectations for
            every day.  The Administrative Judge position   than another’s is.  This greater cohesiveness has   both their own career growth and the Court.
                                              allowed for a sharing of diverse thoughts and   Doing so gives me a better perspective as an
                                              ideas that has been no less than inspiring.  administrator and it is important to put faces
                                                                                to names.
                                                Each January, I schedule meetings with
              Save                            every department in the Court. We spend   Nine of our 34 judges have started their
                                                                                  The face of our Bench has also changed.
                                              about half an hour together and I challenge
                                              them with an idea or theme for the year
                                                                                terms, or appointments, since I became
                   the                        ahead. This was the fourth year we had such a   Administrative Judge. That is more than a
              date!                           and we talked about who we serve as a Court.    veteran  leadership  from  our  longer-serving
                                              “theme.” For 2016, it was “Servant Leadership”,
                                                                                quarter of our judges. The combination of
                                              We were “All-In” with the Cavaliers in 2017
                                                                                judges  and  the  addition  of  new  colleagues
                                              following their championship. I promoted
                                                                                now female. Looking at photos of the Bench
                                              “Action Leadership/Leadership in Action”   is exciting. More than half of our judges are
                                              in 2018, encouraging our employees take   from the 70’s and 80’s, you can see a true
                                              leading roles in and out of the Court.  This   growth in diversity since then.
                                              year I talked about seeking “Balance” in   Another trend for our Court, and courts
              2019                            our lives.  Knowing we can never achieve   around the country, has been the emphasis
              golf Outing                     a perfect balance between our work and   on specialty dockets. We have Drug Courts, a
                                              personal  lives,  I  shared  with  them  what  I
                                                                                Recovery Court, Veterans Treatment Court,
                                              have learned after reading several books   MHDD (Mental Health and Developmental
              June 24       th                on the  subject.   I encouraged everyone to   Disabilities)  Court,  and Re-Entry  Court.
                                                                                These specialty dockets provide a therapeutic
                                              look at every moment of every day. Live in
                                              those moments, and balance will find you.   approach and appropriate treatment that a
              Shaker heights                  I also asked that they not keep their lives in   traditional docket does not always allow.  The
              Country Club                    neutral. Put your transmission into drive and   focus is on creating change in the individual
                                              see where the road of life takes you.
                                                                                — not just to reduce their own risk to
                                                When we start talking about people,   recidivate, but  to provide opportunities for
                                              it is impossible to ignore how, in every   growth and a positive and productive future.
                                              large organization, retirements and new   On the civil side, we also have a Commercial
                                              opportunities create turnover.  In my five   Docket and an Asbestos Docket.
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