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BarJournal                   HEALTH CARE LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEaTUrE  Limited English Proficient Status as a

              Social determinant of Health and the

                             Intersection with the law

                                                                          BY KATHLEEN K. LASKEY-DONOVAN

                   he World Health Organization   therapists nor interpreters available to assist   Hospitals, The Legal Aid Society of
                   defines the “social determinants   the professionals.   7   Cleveland  works  to  alleviate  the  negative
                   of health” as “the conditions in   Fortunately, there is a law that may   effects of the SDOH. Medical providers
                   which people are born, grow,   alleviate the negative effects of LEP status as   refer patients with legal problems affecting
        T live, work, and age.”  Examples   an SDOH. Pursuant to Section 601 of Title   their health to the Legal Aid attorney/
        of the social determinants of health include   VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC   paralegal located in their clinic. Legal Aid
        socioeconomic status, education, physical   §2000d, no person shall “on the ground of   helps patients with issues such as obtaining
        environment, employment, nutrition, and   race, color, or national origin, be excluded   special education for children with
        access to health care. It is important to   from participation in, be denied the benefits   disabilities, maintaining public benefits,
        recognize the social determinants of health   of, or be subjected to discrimination under   obtaining immigration status, alleviating
        (SDOH) because they lead to health inequities   any program or activity receiving Federal   the conditions of unhealthy housing, and
        between various groups in our society.  financial assistance.” The U.S. Supreme   sealing criminal records.
          One trait that may not be traditionally   Court has interpreted the prohibition   Legal Aid works to address the SDOH
        thought of as being an SDOH is being   against national origin discrimination to   with regard to language access. Legal Aid
        Limited English Proficient (LEP). Limited   protect LEP individuals, and to require   collaborated with the City of Cleveland to
        English proficiency refers to anyone above   that federal financial assistance recipients   develop a Language Access Plan that provides
        the age of five who reported speaking   provide meaningful access to their   interpretation and translation for LEP city
        English less than “very well,” as classified   programs.  Meaningful access can require   residents.  Legal Aid prepares pro se notices
        by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Being LEP can   recipients to provide oral interpretation   for LEP individuals that notify the court in
        negatively affect one’s health in a variety of   services and translation of vital documents.   pending cases that they require an interpreter.
        ways: inability to obtain Medicaid/Medicare   In 2000, President Clinton signed   Legal Aid has filed administrative complaints
        because of barriers in communication;   Executive Order 13166, which requires   against federal financial assistance recipients
        inability for the LEP patient to communicate   federal agencies to implement plans so that   (schools, police, county public benefit offices)
        with their medical providers; which can lead   LEP individuals have meaningful access   when they have failed to provide LEP persons
        to lack of understanding of treatment plans   to their services. It also requires federal   with meaningful access.
        and diseases, and medical error resulting   agencies to ensure that the recipients of   If you encounter a situation where an LEP
        in physical harm . Pursuant to U.S. Census   their financial assistance (e.g. state/local   individual is not provided interpretation or
        Bureau data, the LEP population in the   governments, police, courts, etc.) provide   translation services by a recipient of federal
        United States is also less educated and is   meaningful access to their programs. In   financial assistance, you may wish to help
        more likely to live in poverty.   4  2002, the U.S. Department of Justice released   them file an administrative complaint with
          LEP victims of crime also face a risk to their   guidance setting out a four-factor test   the appropriate federal agency who will then
        health when they are unable to report crimes   for  recipients  to  utilize  when  considering   investigate the complaint. If the entity is
        to the police due to lack of interpretation   whether they are providing meaningful   found  to  have  violated  Title  VI,  the  agency
        services. A 2013 national survey of domestic   access. The four factors are: (1) the number   will work with it to become compliant. More
        violence service providers found that   or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be   information on the administrative complaint
        63.5% of respondents indicated that lack of   served or likely to be encountered by the   process go to: .
        language access affected immigrant victims’   program or grantee; (2) the frequency with
        willingness to report domestic violence to law   which LEP individuals come in contact with   1 World  Health  Organization,
        enforcement either “very often” or “almost   the program; (3) the nature and importance   determinants/en/
                                                                               2   Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova,  The Limited English Proficient
        always.”  60.4% of survey respondents said   of the program, activity or service provided   Population in the  United  States, Migration Policy Institute
        the same in human trafficking cases, as well as   by the program to people’s lives; and (4) the   (July 8, 2015)
        57.9% of respondents in sexual assault cases.    resources available to the recipient.    3   Alexander R. Green, MD, MPH and Chijioke Nze, Language-Based
                                                                                Inequity  in  Health  Care:  Who  is  the  “Poor  Historian”?,  AMA. J.
        Therapy and counseling were also reported   Through  medical-legal  partnerships  Ethics. 2017;19(3):263-271, available at: https://journalofethics.ama-
        as resources that LEP  crime  victims  could   at the MetroHealth System, St. Vincent   historian/2017-03
        not access because there were no bilingual   Charity Medical Center and University   4   Zong and Batalova, supra note 2.
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