Page 87 - ICC IEBC 2018
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                           TABLE 1301.6.16                           2. Category b—Sprinklers are required in a portion
                       MIXED OCCUPANCY VALUES a                         of  the building; sprinkler  protection is not  pro-
                                       CATEGORIES                       vided or the sprinkler system design is not ade-
                                  a         b        c                  quate for the hazard protected in accordance with
         A-1, A-2, R             -10        0        10                 Section 903 of the International Building Code.
         A-3, A-4, B, E, F, M, S  -5        0        5               3. Category c—Sprinklers are  not required; none
                                                                        are provided.
         I-2                     NP         0        5
                                                                     4. Category d—Sprinklers are required in a portion
         NP = Not Permitted.
                                                                        of the building;  sprinklers  are  provided in such
         a. For fire-resistance ratings between categories, the value shall be obtained   portion; the system is one that complied with the
           by linear interpolation.
                                                                        code at the time of installation and is maintained
                                                                        and supervised in accordance with Section 903 of
              1301.6.16.1 Categories.  The categories  for mixed
              occupancies are:                                          the International Building Code.
                1. Category a—Occupancies separated by minimum       5. Category e—Sprinklers are required throughout;
                   1-hour fire barriers or minimum 1-hour horizon-      sprinklers are provided throughout in accordance
                   tal assemblies, or both.                             with Chapter 9 of the  International Building
                2. Category b—Separations between occupancies in
                   accordance with Section 508.4 of the  Interna-    6. Category f—Sprinklers are not required through-
                   tional Building Code.                                out; sprinklers are provided throughout in accor-
                                                                        dance with Chapter 9 of  the  International
                3. Category c—Separations between occupancies           Building Code.
                   having  a fire-resistance rating of  not  less than
                   twice that required by Section 508.4 of the Inter-  1301.6.18 Standpipes. Evaluate the ability to initiate
                   national Building Code.                       attack on a fire by making a supply of water readily avail-
                                                                 able through the installation of standpipes in accordance
           1301.6.17 Automatic sprinklers. Evaluate the ability to   with Section  905 of the  International Building  Code.
           suppress a fire based on the installation of an automatic   “Required Standpipes” shall be based on the requirements
           sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 of   of the International Building Code. Under the categories
           the  International Building  Code. “Required  sprinklers”   and occupancies in Table 1301.6.18, determine the appro-
           shall be based on the requirements of this code. Under the   priate value and enter that value into Table 1301.7 under
           categories and occupancies in Table 1301.6.17, determine   Safety Parameter 1301.6.18, Standpipes, for fire  safety,
           the appropriate value and enter that value into  Table  means of egress, and general safety.
           1301.7 under Safety Parameter 1301.6.17, Automatic
                                                                                TABLE 1301.6.18
           Sprinklers, for fire safety, means of egress divided by 2,       STANDPIPE SYSTEM VALUES
           and general safety. High-rise buildings defined in Chapter
           2 of the  International Building Code that undergo a     OCCUPANCY
           change of occupancy to Group R shall be equipped                            a a     b     c     d
           throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accor-  A-1, A-3, F, M, R, S-1  -6  0    4     6
           dance with Section 403 of the International Building Code  A-2             -4       0     2     4
           and Chapter 9 of the International Building Code. Facili-
           ties in Group I-2 occupancies meeting Category a, b, c or f   A-4, B, E, S-2  -12   0     6     12
           shall be considered to fail the evaluation.         I-2                    -2       0     1     2
                           TABLE 1301.6.17                    a. This option  cannot be taken if Category a or Category b  in Section
                      SPRINKLER SYSTEM VALUES                   1301.6.17 is used.
              OCCUPANCY                                            1301.6.18.1 Standpipe categories. The categories for
                              a a  b   a  c  d    e    f
                                                                   standpipe systems are:
         A-1, A-3, F, M, R, S-1  -6  -3  0   2    4    6
                                                                     1. Category a—Standpipes are required; standpipe
         A-2                  -4  -2    0    1    2    4
                                                                        is not provided or the standpipe system design is
         A-4, B, E, S-2      -12  -6    0    3    6    12               not in compliance with  Section 905.3  of the
         I-2                  NP  NP   NP    8    10   NP               International Building Code.
                                                                     2. Category b—Standpipes are  not  required; none
         NP = Not Permitted.
                                                                        are provided.
         a. These options cannot be taken if Category a in Section 1301.6.18 is used.
                                                                     3. Category c—Standpipes are required; standpipes
              1301.6.17.1 Categories. The categories for automatic
              sprinkler system protection are:                          are provided in accordance with Section 905 of
                                                                        the International Building Code.
                1. Category a—Sprinklers are required throughout;
                   sprinkler protection is not provided or the sprin-  4. Category d—Standpipes are not required; stand-
                   kler system design is not adequate for the hazard    pipes are provided  in accordance  with  Section
                   protected in accordance with Section 903 of the      905 of the International Building Code.
                   International Building Code.

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