Page 88 - ICC IEBC 2018
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               1301.6.19 Incidental uses. Evaluate the protection of inci-  2. Category b—Smoke compartment size is greater
               dental uses in accordance with  Section 509.4.2 of the       than 22,500 square feet (2092 m ).
               International Building Code. Do not include those where   3. Category c—Smoke compartments are  not pro-
               this code requires automatic sprinkler systems throughout    vided.
               the building including covered and open mall buildings,
               high-rise buildings, public garages and unlimited area   1301.6.21 Patient ability, concentration,  smoke  com-
               buildings. Assign the lowest score from Table 1301.6.19   partment location and ratio to attendant. In I-2 occu-
               for the building or floor area being evaluated and enter that   pancies, the ability  of patients, their concentration and
               value into Table 1301.7 under Safety Parameter        ratio to attendants shall be evaluated and applied in accor-
               1301.6.19, Incidental Uses, for fire safety, means of egress   dance with this section. Evaluate each smoke  compart-
               and general safety. If there are no specific occupancy areas   ment using the  categories in  Sections 1301.6.21.1,
               in  the building or floor  area  being evaluated,  the value   1301.6.21.2 and 1301.6.21.3 and enter the value in Table
               shall be zero.                                        1301.7. To determine the safety factor, multiply the three
                                                                     values together; if the sum is 9 or greater, compliance has
               1301.6.20 Smoke compartmentation. Evaluate the
               smoke compartments for compliance with Section 407.5   failed.
               of the International Building Code. Under the categories   1301.6.21.1 Patient  ability for  self-preservation.
               and occupancies in Table 1301.6.20, determine the appro-  Evaluate the ability of the patients for self-preservation
               priate smoke compartmentation value (SCV) and enter     in each smoke compartment in an emergency. Under
               that  value into Table 1301.7 under Safety Parameter    the categories and occupancies  in  Table 1301.6.21.1,
               1301.6.20, Smoke  Compartmentation, for fire  safety,   determine the appropriate value and enter that value in
               means of egress and general safety. Facilities in Group I-2   Table 1301.7 under Safety Parameter 1301.6.21.1,
               occupancies meeting Category b or c shall be considered   Patient Ability for Self-preservation, for means of
               to fail the evaluation.                                 egress and general safety.
                               TABLE 1301.6.20                                      TABLE 1301.6.21.1
                      SMOKE COMPARTMENTATION VALUES                              PATIENT ABILITY VALUES
                                             CATEGORIES a                                    CATEGORIES
                     OCCUPANCY                                      OCCUPANCY
                                         a        b       c                          a           b           c
             A, B, E, F, M, R and S      0        0       0        I-2               1           2           3
             I-2                         0       NP      NP
                                                                         1301. Categories. The categories for patient
             For SI: 1 square foot = 0.093 m .                           ability for self-preservation are:
             NP = Not Permitted.                                            1. Category a—(mobile) Patients are capable of
             a. For areas between categories, the smoke compartmentation value shall be
               obtained by linear interpolation.                              self-preservation without assistance.
                                                                            2. Category b—(not mobile) Patients rely on
                  1301.6.20.1 Categories. Categories for  smoke  com-
                  partment size are:                                          assistance for evacuation or relocation.
                                                                            3. Category c—(not movable) Patients cannot be
                    1. Category a—Smoke compartment size is equal to          evacuated or relocated.
                       or less than 22,500 square feet (2092 m ).

                                                          TABLE 1301.6.19
                                                    INCIDENTAL USE AREA VALUES
               PROTECTION REQUIRED BY TABLE 509                        PROTECTION PROVIDED
              OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE   None   1 hour   AS   AS with CRS  1 hour and AS   2 hours   2 hours and AS
             2 hours and AS                    -4       -3       -2        -2          -1         -2         0
             2 hours, or 1 hour and AS         -3       -2       -1        -1          0          0          0
             1 hour and AS                     -3       -2       -1        -1          0          -1         0
             1 hour                            -1       0        -1        -1          0          0          0
             1 hour, or AS with CRS            -1       0        -1        -1          0          0          0
             AS with CRS                       -1       -1       -1        -1          0          -1         0
             1 hour or AS                      -1       0        0         0           0          0          0
             AS = Automatic Sprinkler System;
             CRS = Construction capable of resisting the passage of smoke (see IBC Section 509.4.2 of the International Building Code).
             Note: For Table 1301.7, see page 71.

             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE ®                                                          69
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