Page 92 - ICC IEBC 2018
P. 92

                                    RELOCATED OR MOVED BUILDINGS

             User note:
                About this chapter: Chapter 14 is applicable to any building that is moved or relocated. The relocation of a building will automatically cause
                an inspection and evaluation process that enables the jurisdiction to determine the level of compliance with the International Fire Code  and
                the International Property Maintenance Code . These two codes, by their scope, are applicable to existing buildings. This is the case regard-
                less of any repair, remodeling, alteration work or change of occupancy occurring (see the International Fire Code and International Property
                Maintenance Code).

                               SECTION 1401                       [BS]  1402.4 Seismic loads. Buildings shall comply with
                                 GENERAL                          International Building  Code or  International Residential
                                                                  Code seismic provisions at the new location as applicable.
             1401.1 Scope. This chapter provides requirements for relo-
             cated or moved structures, including relocatable buildings as  Exceptions:
             defined in Chapter 2.
                                                                       1. Structures in Seismic  Design Categories  A  and B
             1401.2 Conformance. The building shall be safe for human    and detached one- and two-family dwellings in Seis-
             occupancy as determined by the International Fire Code and  mic Design Categories A, B and C where the seis-
             the  International Property Maintenance  Code. Any  repair,  mic loads at  the new location are not higher than
             alteration or  change of occupancy undertaken within  the   those at the previous location.
             moved structure shall comply with the requirements of this  2. Structural elements whose stress is not increased by
             code applicable to the work being performed. Any field-fabri-  more than 10 percent.
             cated  elements shall comply with  the  requirements of  the
             International Building Code or the International Residential  [BS] 1402.5 Snow loads. Structures shall comply with Inter-
             Code as applicable.                                  national Building  Code or  International Residential Code
                                                                  snow loads as applicable where snow loads at the new loca-
                                                                  tion are higher than those at the previous location.
                               SECTION 1402                          Exception: Structural elements whose  stress is not
                              REQUIREMENTS                           increased by more than 5 percent.
             1402.1 Location on the lot. The building shall be located on  [BS] 1402.6 Flood hazard areas. If relocated or moved into
             the lot in accordance with the requirements of the Interna-
                                                                  a  flood hazard  area,  structures shall comply with Section
             tional Building Code or the International Residential Code as  1612 of the International Building Code, or Section R322 of
                                                                  the International Residential Code, as applicable.
             [BS] 1402.2 Foundation. The foundation system of relocated  [BS]  1402.7 Required inspection and repairs. The  code
             buildings shall comply with the International Building Code  official shall be authorized to inspect, or to require approved
             or the International Residential Code as applicable.
                                                                  professionals to inspect at the expense of the owner, the vari-
               [BS] 1402.2.1 Connection to the foundation. The con-  ous structural parts of a relocated building to verify that struc-
               nection of  the  relocated building to the foundation shall  tural components and connections have not sustained
               comply with the International Building Code or the Inter-  structural damage. Any repairs required by the code official
               national Residential Code as applicable.           as a result of such inspection shall be made prior to the final
             [BS] 1402.3 Wind loads. Buildings shall comply with Inter-
             national Building  Code or  International Residential  Code
             wind provisions as applicable.
                  1. Detached one- and two-family dwellings and Group
                    U occupancies where wind loads at the new location
                    are not higher than those at the previous location.
                  2. Structural elements whose stress is not increased by
                    more than 10 percent.

             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE ®                                                          73
  Copyrighted © 2017 by, or licensed to, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); licensed to UL, LLC pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproductions authorized or distribution authorized.
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