P. 16
About 708 people from two communities
of Kaudzu and Mchakama from
Traditional Authority Kambwiri in Salima
who, since time immemorial, have been
drinking from the unprotected waters
of Linthipe River can now afford a smile
after recently the Tsogolo Labwino Project
constructed two boreholes in the area.
The Tsogolo Labwino Project is an
initiative of ADRA Malawi with funding
from ADRA Australia.
The boreholes have been brick-fenced
to enhance water point hygiene.
Permaculture technologies have been
employed at the borehole soak-away A well protected brick fenced borehole under the Tsogolo Labwino Project
by planting banana plantations which
absorbs excess water to avoid stinking
from stagnant water. The long distance, rough and steep slopes the resource to the community.
to the river also negatively impacted
There is also a grass fence behind the safety for women and children when The project trains the communities in
borehole where vegetables are being they wanted to draw water from the river. Community Based Water Management
grown as a value addition on waste water In rainy season the river usually floods which includes water hygiene,
management while on the other hand making water very unsafe for drinking maintenance and leadership. On the other
the vegetables will be sold to beef up the due to debris that are carried on from the hand, the communities provide all the
borehole maintenance fund. upper side of the river. On the other hand local resources required for the borehole
it is risky to draw due to high speed of to be drilled and the brick fencing and the
Among others the construction of the water flow. waste water management permaculture is
boreholes has greatly lessened cases of done by the communities themselves. The
diarrhea which was detrimental to the The Tsogolo Labwino Project ensures that communities are also encouraged to set
health well being of the communities. its provision of water should also instill a up borehole maintenance account funds
sense of responsibility and ownership of which are managed by elected committees.
By STAFF WRITER challenge to his household turned up to meter garden. He wants to divert the
be an opportunity. Innocent made a 4x3 surplus water from his backyard garden to
Innocent Mwawa, 32 lives in a small meter garden round the borehole soak the commercial garden.
village of Kantumbiza, GVH Magumbwa, away pit to make use of the waste water
Traditional Authority Ndindi in Salima. and planted banana plantain around the
He has been married for the past three pit to suck away the bad smell.
years but without any formal occupation.
However his household happened to He then fenced his garden with grass.
be one of the ADRA Tsogolo Labwino After one month, of planting his vegetable
Project beneficiaries which gets support seeds, he was overwhelmed with pumpkin
from Australian Aid. and turnip leaves which were too much for
household consumption. As such, twice
His house is located very close to the in a week he was able to share surplus
community borehole. He has been vegetables with four households. In three
struggling with bad smell and mosquitoes months his family had saved about $20.00
that bred from the soak away pit. In (almost MK15,000.00) for daily vegetable
June, 2015, a one day extension talk on consumption.
waste water management and backyard
gardening from ADRA staff turned his life Now Innocent wants to go commercial
around. with his vegetable production using the A well-managed borehole can also be useful for
very same waste water from the borehole. irrigation
The borehole waste water which was a Currently he is constructing a 10x10