Page 16 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
P. 16

Chapter 3

                   Defensive Covering

                 n  enemy  roams  around  like  a  lion
                 seeking  who  he  can  devour.  That
            enemy  is  called  Satan  or  the  devil.  He
            does not want to see us serve the Lord.
            He does not want us to fulfill our destiny.
                He  is  jealous  over  the  fact  that  we
            were created in the image of God. So, he
            wars against us, finding the back roads
            into our lives. He wants to discourage us
            and pull us down. Vigilance is needed:
             “For we are not fighting against flesh-
             and-blood  enemies,  but  against  evil
             rulers  and  authorities  of  the  unseen
             world,  against  mighty  powers  in  this
             dark world, and against evil spirits in
             the heavenly places.” Eph. 6:12 NLT

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