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creation.  And  worse,  to  be  rejected  by
            them.  Yet,  He  still  choose  to  surrender
            His life and take the punishment for our
            sins, on Himself.

                “God made him who had no sin
                to be sin for us, so that in him we
                might become the righteousness
                of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
            The Good News
                This is the good news. Our sins are
            exchanged  for  the  righteousness  that
            belonged to Jesus, when we accept what
            He did for us and believe in Him as our
            Lord and Savior.
                “If you declare with your mouth,
                “Jesus  is  Lord,”  and  believe in
                your  heart  that  God  raised  him
                from  the  dead, you  will  be  sav-
                ed.” Rom 10:9

                He  conquered  death  by  rising  from
            the grave. He is now back in heaven, in
            all His previous glory. Paul wrote, “Christ

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