Page 9 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
P. 9

that  is  filled  with  bumps  and  potholes,
            twists and turns.

                Sometimes,  life  doesn’t  go  the  way
            we thought or hoped it would. It is easy to
            let disappointment, anger or offense set
            in. But it is true that it’s possible to learn
            and grow from these experiences.
            Taking a Tumble
                Tumbling  through  life,  being  tossed
            this way and that way, I wondered why
            life had to be so difficult. I tired of hoping
            for a future or a dream that never seemed
            to come. One problem tumbled on top of
            another. Have you had those days when
            you felt like everything was going wrong?
            I came to the place when I asked, “Is this
            all there is?”
                Encouragement bloomed in my heart
            as I read:

                “The  righteous  cry  out,  and  the
                LORD  hears  them;  he  delivers
                them from all their troubles. The

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