Page 10 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
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LORD is close to the brokenheart-
ed and saves those who are
crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:17-
I found hope in God! At those times,
we need to remind ourselves that we can
depend on Him to be there for us. Jesus
said, “With God all things are possible,”
Matthew 19:26. He wants to take care of
the impossible for us. Ask according to
His will, trust Him, and thank Him for the
answers. Then we will see His power
move in us and for us.
Troubles are not supposed to defeat
us. We are to prevail over them:
“This is the victory that has over-
come the world, even our faith. Who
is it that overcomes the world? Only
the one who believes that Jesus is
the Son of God.” 1 John 5:4-5
You and God make a majority.