Page 7 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
P. 7
Or, are you more like the birds flying
with the wind? These birds were not
struggling. They were just “going with the
flow.” Do you go with the flow? Do you
speed forward at an accelerated rate
without even trying? Are you at peace
and at rest, as you glide and soar above
the trouble going on beside you and
below you?
The birds gliding above the turmoil
reminded me of the higher ways of God.
The birds struggling against the wind
reminded me of our ways, which can
often lead to all sorts of problems. The
wind seemed to say, follow the leading of
the Holy Spirit.
Why should we continue to struggle,
plummet, and tread water, determined to
go our own way? The ability to rise above
the problems emerges as we go with the
flow of the Holy Spirit. Find peace and
rest by soaring above the problems that
pass through our lives.