Page 20 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
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faith,  salvation,  and  His  Word  deep  in
            your  heart?  All  these  things  God  freely
            gives  us.  In  addition,  prayer  keeps  us
            close to Him.

            The Good Fight
                Paul wrote, “I have fought the good
            fight, I have finished the race, I have kept
            the  faith”  2  Timothy  4:7.  Pastor  David
            Hess  of  Christ  Community  Church  in
            Camp Hill, PA said:
                  “It’s only a good fight if you win it.
             And God has placed you in the midst
             of a battle that He says you are going
             to win.”
                James, who was the half-brother of
            Jesus,  said,  “Blessed  is  the  one  who
            perseveres  under  trial,  because  having
            stood the test, that person will receive the
            crown of life that the Lord has promised
            to  those  who  love  him”  James  1:12.
            Satan  tempts  us  to  pull  us  down.  God
            tests us to lift us up.

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