Page 23 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
P. 23

With  the  Holy  Spirit  continuing  to
            prompt  me,  I  finally  decided  to  have  a
            women's  study  group.  Unexpectedly,  I
            received a call. Would I be the hostess so
            another woman, who wasn't able to use
            her home, could lead the group? Initially,
            I  felt  disappointed.  But  I  found  myself
            receiving comfort from her prayers. I also
            witnessed more of the power of the Holy
            Spirit,  as  He  worked  through  her.  God
            does love to bless.

                It turned out to be a time of growing
            for  me.  This  arrangement  worked  out
            nicely for a while. Yet, God was tugging
            at my heart to do more. Soon I felt like a
            race  horse  anxiously  waiting  to  break
            forth into that winning run. Determined, I
            decided not to put the desire God placed
            in my heart on the back burner again.

                The following year I was anointed for
            Women's Ministry. Conditions in my life
            were not perfect. Yet, a sense of peace
            filled me.

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