Page 28 - Problems Pop Up_Neat
P. 28

I  envisioned  my  friends  praying  for
            me,  seeing  myself  resting  behind  their
            shields  of  faith.  This  was  a  vision  my
            pastor told me to hold onto. And, it was
            so comforting.

                My  bout  with  cancer was  not  a  fun
            experience. But it most definitely was a
            wakeup  up  call.  I  researched  how  our
            bodies are affected by foods and stress.
            People close to me became more import-
            ant than the busyness of everyday life.
                Today I am still praising and thanking
            the Lord for His loving kindness. Whether
            I stayed here or had gone to be with the
            Lord, I knew He would always have His
            arms of love wrapped tightly around me.
            For that, I will always be grateful.
            Good Things
                Sometimes, I hear people using God
            as a scapegoat, instead of looking to Him
            for hope, help and comfort. They blame

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